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Coronation Street spoilers: Major character return leads to big secrets exposed

She’s back! (Picture: ITV)

For a brief period, Allison King’s character Carla Connor has been absent from Coronation Street. She has been in Spain, attempting to win crucial business for the firm.

During Super Soap Week, Todd Boyce’s character Stephen Reid revealed himself to be a multi-murderer. He attempted to flee while keeping Jenny captive by putting a bottle to her throat, but Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne), believing Jenny’s life was in jeopardy, ran over and murdered him. Jenny was played by Sally Ann Matthews.

Additionally, it was shown that Stephen had committed fraud against the factory by duping Ryan Russell’s character Michael Bailey into giving him the bank account password so he could empty it.

Carla is frantic to save her company and everyone’s employment because of the circumstances surrounding what transpired, and there is no way to reclaim the money.

She will be returning to Weatherfield in future episodes, but it won’t be good news because she hasn’t been able to close any transactions. She’s still chilly towards Peter, and she’s upset to learn that Sarah (Tina O’Brien) has returned Michael to his former position against her wishes.

Carla’s been away in Spain (Picture: ITV)

Knowing she has no method of paying her crew, Carla is obliged to walk a tightrope with them. She informs them that the stolen money has been found and they will all be reimbursed by the end of the day because she wants them to work since the factory has to get a new customer order out by the following day.

When the truth is out, this backfires because the irate employees quit their employment and refuse to work until they have the assurance that they will be paid. It leaves Carla and Sarah pleading with them to think again.

Carla worries about more than simply her career.

When Ken (William Roache) admits that he believes Peter may have resumed drinking, she becomes worried. Carla is aware that Peter, who is in recovery from alcoholism, may turn to alcohol in an attempt to cope with his feelings of guilt about Stephen’s death.

When she learns that a bottle of whisky she purchased is missing, her worries grow. Peter, has he got it?

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