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Coronation Street spoilers: Hope at last for Peter and Carla but Underworld collapse looms

Carla and Peter have had a rough time recently (Picture: ITV)

After an unsuccessful trip to Spain, Carla Connor (Alison King) is scheduled to return to Coronation Street. Her relationship with husband Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne) is still tense.

In an attempt to save her company from bankruptcy, Carla took off for Spain during Peter’s darkest moment.

Peter felt a little abandoned as a result, and the two regrettably parted ways amicably.

Carla feels helpless about the state of Underworld now that she is back in Weatherfield because she was unable to close the deal that would have preserved it.

When Ken Barlow (William Roache) expresses his worries that Peter might be drinking once more, things only get worse.

When they search the apartment together, Carla is upset to discover that a bottle of whiskey is missing.

When Carla and Sarah Platt (Tina O’Brien) realize they have no way to pay their employees unless they can expeditiously place an order and agree to cash on delivery, things at the factory take a much worse turn.

Carla promises the factory workers that they will be paid that evening in a small white lie, but her deception is quickly exposed.

The workers down tools as Carla and Sarah implores them to think twice. They are furious that the banks cannot track down the money Stephen Reid (Todd Boyce) has, and as a result, they will not be paid.

She quickly makes it clear that if they don’t get this order, the factory will fail and they will all lose their jobs.

Carla is extremely stressed out about what is happening at the factory, so Peter reassures her that he will be happy to go to his alcoholics’ meeting by himself.

Carla, on the other hand, feels bad about prioritizing her career over her marriage, so she leaves early to meet Peter.

Peter is moved by Carla’s dedication. Is their romance back on course?

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