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ITV Emmerdale’s Belle fate ‘sealed’ as fans predict Tom murder horror after abuse twist

Exclusive: Bard AI has promised viewers that they won’t have to worry for long after Tom snapped at Belle in an angry outburst. ITV Emmerdale fans were worried about Belle.

Since Lydia Dingle’s nasty ex-husband Craig Reed sexually assaulted her a few weeks ago, Emmerdale viewers have been glued to their televisions.

But a few weeks later, the fan favorite was discovered dead in a Home Farm field, so justice was served. The news of his death brought the auburn beauties together at Dingle Court to determine his killer.

As each tenant revealed some of their sinister secrets that had surfaced in the twenty-four hours preceding Craig’s murder, it became evident that he was not the only one who had been assaulted that evening. Belle Dingle disclosed through a sequence of flashbacks that the handsome man had proposed to her over a romantic dinner.

However, things quickly became worse when the stunning blonde turned down his proposal of marriage. After a heated argument between the two, Belle was struck across the face by Tom King with such force that she fell to the ground and struck her head on the coffee table.

Emmerdale’s Belle and Tom split ‘sealed’ after brutal attack over rejection (Image: ITV)

Her heartbroken partner came to her rescue right away, wiping the blood off her forehead and plastering it over with an expression of regret. Later on, Belle expressed her forgiveness to Tom and informed the family that they were still together even though she had turned down his proposal because it “wasn’t the right time.”

In an attempt to determine if the couple will stay together, Daily Star used Bard AI, one of the most well-known artificially intelligent “creative” tools in the world, as the couples moved on from the traumatic experience. The clever program acknowledged that it was conceivable for Belle and Tom to end their relationship after the attack, saying, “Yes, it is possible that Belle and Tom could split after he hit her when she rejected his proposal.”

Tom’s actions were aggressive and unacceptable, thus Belle’s feelings that she can’t be in a relationship with someone who has harmed her are reasonable. In addition, she can be concerned for her security and unwilling to get into a partnership with someone who she believes has the potential to harm her once more.

Bard AI has predicted the pair will split up soon (Image: ITV)

The AI system did note, though, that Belle is ready to forgive Tom for his inappropriate behavior, just as she has in the past. The argument put out was that Belle had previously pardoned Tom for his transgressions, even if they were grave.

She pardoned him, for instance, when he had an affair with Kerry Wyatt. This implies that if he repents and behaves differently, she could be ready to overlook the fact that he hit her.

It occurs following the on-screen death of Tom’s mother Colleen last month, and the handsome man has been acting oddly ever since. When word spread that she had passed away, the bereaved son began to lash out at his girlfriend for her ongoing support. At first, he kept the information to himself.

Viewers are convinced the star killed his mother (Image: ITV)

The hunk slapped Belle after she turned down his proposal, but things only got worse in the lead-up to her burial. Fans flocked to the social networking platform X, formerly known as Twitter, to voice their worries for her online after the traumatic moments aired.

“I’m beginning to wonder whether Tom murdered his mom,” said one person, while another concurred, writing, “Tom murdered his mum maybe? Belle, take heed, you’re in big trouble! “Tom has definitely murdered his mum,” repeated a third. If not, why is he being so shady? Or perhaps the boy who assaulted him?

Watchers will have to wait and see if the pair can work things out or if Belle has the guts to end things and move on from Tom.

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