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ITV Coronation Street spoilers – Amy and Aadi share shock kiss after a brush with the law

Amy’s actions at a nightclub see her facing prison time and seeking comfort from Aadi, also there’s potential big change at the Rovers – but the residents put up a fight

According to spoilers for Coronation Street, Amy Barlow (Elle Mulvaney) is in serious trouble after causing a man to pass out at the club. Adam Hussain’s character Aadi Alahan stands by his friend as she faces the wrath of the police.

In the hopes that Dan won’t remember what happened to him when he wakes up, Amy and Aadi go over what happened during the night. But when DS Swain (Victoria Myers) calls and asks them both to come to the station, their luck runs out.

DS Swain informs Amy during the interview that her actions could result in up to five years in prison.

After their ordeal at the police station, Amy and Aadi kiss.
DS Swain cautions Amy against taking any unlawful action to reclaim her own.

Amy is fortunate enough to be able to leave, but DS Swain cautions her against doing so in the future. Upon returning to the street, Amy expresses gratitude to Aadi for supporting her. Amy gives Aadi a quick kiss in return, but then she feels a sudden wave of panic.

After that, Aadi finds herself acting strangely around Amy.

In another scene, Ed Bailey (Trevor Michael Georges) and Ronnie Bailey (Vinta Morgan) answer a call from a friend who works as a property developer and wants them to supervise the conversion of the Rovers into apartments.

Ed and Ronnie discuss whether to remodel the Rovers.

Ed is excited about the possible business, but Sue Devaney’s character Debbie Webster cautions him that the entire street will be against him.

Jodie Prenger’s character Glenda Shuttleworth organises the troops for the “Save the Rovers Campaign” when they witness businessman Luke (Jim Rastall), Ed, and Ronnie leave the Rovers. Jenny Bradley (Sally Ann Matthews) feels that Ronnie has betrayed her, as she believes the pub has been sold.

Dylan Wilson (Liam McCheyne) is questioned by Sean Tully (Antony Cotton) at their home regarding his missing trainers. Dylan informs Mason Radcliffe (Luca Toolan) that Sean plans to report his missing shoes at school.

Mason threatens Liam with a knife and torments him.

Mason admits that Liam Connor (Charlie Wrenshall) took them in order to get out of trouble. And Liam finds out he’s been set up when the teacher opens his locker.

Mason sends Liam some terrible messages later; he escalates his threats and stabs Liam in Victoria Court.

Mason’s demands that Dylan skip school with him only serve to torment him more, and when they spot a chance, they rob Simon Barlow (Alex Bain) of a box of vape pens. Upon discovering this, Peter loses it all, smashes through the door, and seizes Dylan.

When Peter finds out that Dylan has stolen vapes, he gets upset with him.

When Allison King’s character Carla Connor finds out what Peter has done, she is taken aback by his outburst.

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