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Coronation Street character forced to ‘commit ultimate betrayal’ as addiction returns

Exclusive: Ed Bailey of Coronation Street has been keeping his family in the dark about his resurgence of his gaming addiction, even though it has previously gotten him into trouble and placed them in debt.

Michael Georges’ character Ed Bailey in Coronation Street may lose his whole family if he allows his gambling addiction to take control of his life once more.

Although Ed has been denying that his addiction to gambling has resurfaced, he is about to have a scare in future scenes, which may reveal his addiction.

According to official teasers, Ronnie Bailey (Vinta Morgan) says he received a call from a friend who is a property developer, and he wants them to supervise the transformation of the Rovers into apartments.

Ed is happy, but Debbie Webster (Sue Devaney) cautions him that the entire street will be against him.

While Joel Derring (Callum Lill) is invited to join the family by Dee-Dee Bailey (Shannique Sterling-Brown), Michael informs Ed that Grandad Sarge (Ram John Holder) phoned and would be spending Christmas with them.

Ronnie Bailey panics when he can’t pay Tony his wages for the week (Image: ITV)

Ed assures Tony at the café that he will give him his money today, but he can feel the anxiety mounting as he tries to pay for his coffee and Norris Cole’s (Malcolm Hebden) card is denied.

Subsequently, a letter telling Norris that his credit card has been stopped because of questionable conduct is opened by Michael Bailey (Ryan Russell).

Ed is terrified that his gaming will be discovered. Will Michael finally make the connection and realize that his father has once again fallen victim to the gambling trap?

The head of Coronation Street, Ian MacLeod, previously discussed the future for the Bailey family and acknowledged that the worst was yet to come.

“In the run-up to Christmas, Ed’s problems are spiralling and mounting and it will culminate in him hitting rock bottom shortly before Christmas,” the actor said in an interview with and other newspapers.

Michael Bailey finds a letter to Norris Cole and Ed Bailey panics (Image: ITV)

“He is forced to do something very distressing for him and conduct what he would consider to be a terrible betrayal in an attempt to keep the walls from the door.

“It is really depressing from the perspective of the audience; Ed will feel as though he has let himself down in the worst manner possible.

“This man is desperate; he’s struggled throughout the years, to the point where he acts in this way out of desperation.

“There is an exciting plot that deals with the family finding out what he has done and being sent into the woods, but naturally it remains a secret for a while.

“There is a loyalty battle between the children on which of them is sticking by his dad and which will kind of drift.”

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