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Amy in serious danger in Emmerdale as a hooded figure grabs her

Amy’s in danger (Picture: ITV)

In upcoming episodes of Emmerdale, Amy Wyatt (Natalie Ann Jamieson) and Matty Barton (Ash Palmisciano) will be keeping a secret. They are aware of the whereabouts of Chloe (Jessie Elland) and baby Reuben, but they have to act as though they are unaware of it because Chloe is desperate for Mackenzie (Lawrence Robb) to miss them.

After Reuben dumped Chloe and told her he was going back to Charity (Emma Atkins), Chloe left the village with Reuben, and Mackenzie has been frantically looking for them ever since, distraught at the thought of never seeing his son again.

Matty is under a lot of pressure to keep the secret, and as a result, he and Amy argue. Matty argues that Mack has a right to know where Reuben is.

He eventually becomes so sorry for Mack that he tries to reassure him that Chloe and Reuben are safe and that he will see them the following day with Amy.

When Matty and Amy go to see Chloe at her hiding place, they quickly discover Mackenzie and Charity are following them and that a confrontation is about to occur.

When Chloe realises the message is from him and intensifies her insistence that he won’t see Reuben again, Mackenzie’s attempt to coax her out of hiding by stealing Amy’s phone and texting her as her sister backfires.

Who is it? (Picture: ITV)

Chloe disappeared after being dumped by Mackenzie (Picture: ITV)

Amy is enraged at Matty for telling Mack that he knew where Chloe was, and she is enraged that Mack has made Chloe go even farther into hiding because she can no longer even see her sister.

After a fight between Matty and Mack, Matty punches the other man.

According to Lawrence Robb, Matty loses it and punches Mackenzie because he is making fun of him in the bar and saying things like, “Boo hoo, you think you’re the only one with problems,” or something similar.

“Matty and Amy had a falling out because Amy discovered that Matty had told Mackenzie that Chloe was with Reuben.”

At the HOP, Amy finds herself alone. She is enraged with her partner and worried about her sister. She’s not really aware of her surroundings, so when a hooded figure grabs her, she’s startled.

Has Mackenzie had to resort to even more drastic means? Or is it another person?

To what extent is Amy in danger?

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