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STU UP TROUBLE Stu Carpenter offers to BUY granddaughter Eliza in shock Coronation Street plot

How far will Stu go to get Eliza back home?

After her father Dom Everett returned to her life without warning, ELIZA Woodrow made the decision to live with him.

Stu Carpenter, a favourite on Coronation Street, is devastated to be parted from her and chooses to spend big money to win her back.

Stu Carpenter has been desperate to get his granddaughter Eliza backCredit: ITV
He makes a shocking offer next weekCredit: ITV
But will Eliza be happy to be back with him and Yasmeen?Credit: ITV

Bill Fellows, who played a former homeless man and Speed Daal chef, was ecstatic to reconnect with his granddaughter Eliza (played by Savannah Kunyo).

Despite the devastating events that preceded her arrival in the cobbles—her mother Bridget’s murderous sentence—the schoolgirl managed to forge friendships and leave her mark on the cobbles.

She eventually managed to locate her father, Dom (Darren Morfitt), online, but not before she started to wonder where he was.

She eventually wanted to live with him as a result, which left her distraught grandfather Stu in a difficult situation.

Since then, Stu and his partner Yasmeen Nazir (Shelley King) have been eager to get Eliza back at No. 6.

Even more, the beloved character hired Lesley, a private investigator, to gather information about Dom.

Next week on ITV, Stu and Lesley have a meeting, during which Lesley discloses that Dom was arrested for reckless driving in Germany in 2020.

Even though Stu could make good use of the information, he devises an unexpected scheme to win Eliza back.

Later on, Stu asks Dom to lunch at the Bistro and grills him about his time growing up in Germany.

When lunch finally ends, Stu offers Dom £10k in cash in exchange for him avoiding Eliza’s life.

Later, Dom seems to accept Stu’s astounding offer and calls Eliza and everything she owns at No. 6.

Eliza is perplexed as to why, given that she has been told she will only be staying for a few days, she needs so much stuff.

Stu and Dom exchange sly glances that imply a deal is about to happen.

Will it ever be known to Eliza?

When Yasmeen, who is renowned for having a high moral code, finds out what her partner has chosen to do, how will she respond?

Will Dom fulfil his half of the bargain?

Given that Dom was the one who first suggested in September 2023 that Stu should be paid to let him take care of Eliza, this seems highly likely.

Eliza had just been struck by a car at the time, which Weatherfield bully Mason Radcliffe (Luca Toolan) was later found to be at fault for.

After being hit and run, Eliza was taken to the hospital with a broken arm and later declared her desire to live with her father.

Dom was shocked to learn the truth and quickly left the room, giving Stu the opportunity to try to dissuade Eliza from her choice.

Then Dom gave Stu a shocking revelation when he said he didn’t want Eliza to live with him full-time.

Dom told Stu that if he was paid off, he would be willing to back off of Eliza, which further upset the situation.

“You got all that compensation money still, so ten grand should cover it,” he replied.

“I can’t believe this, you’re trying to sell your own daughter,” shot back an enraged Stu. You take the money I give you and leave. You prioritise money over your own kin.”

How will the ordeal end?

Stu hired a private investigator to get dirt on DomCredit: ITV
Could he use what she has found to his advantage down the line?Credit: ITV

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