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Coronation Street’s Ed Bailey to be attacked as emotional Christmas plot begins

Tony turns nasty.

Later this month, Ed Bailey of Coronation Street will face severe criticism for his unpaid debt to Tony.

In order to hide his growing debt problem and gambling addiction, Ed is compelled to lie to his family.

Recently, the builder took out a loan from his friend Tony, who has become more and more irate with the builder for taking so long to repay him.

In the run-up to Christmas, Tony finally loses his patience when he witnesses the Bailey family appearing to overspend at the Bistro.

Ed packs a suitcase in secret and arranges to spend Christmas with his wife Aggie in Birmingham as he realises that Tony might become hostile.

Tony bursts through the door and into the house just as Ed is about to leave.

Tony calls Aggie on Ed’s phone and threatens to ruin his marriage by telling her everything.

Tony punches Ed, knocking him to the ground, as he reaches for the phone.

When the Baileys get home later, they discover to their dismay that Ed has a cut lip and that all of their Christmas gifts have vanished.

Dee-Dee calls the police right away, and Craig Tinker shows up.

Will Ed’s loved ones accept his story that the robbery occurred because he forgot to lock the back door?

Iain MacLeod, the producer of Coronation Street, hinted recently that Ed’s issues are getting worse and worse.

Ed ultimately reaches his lowest point just before Christmas. He is forced to carry out an incredibly distressing deed and a terrible betrayal in an attempt to keep the wolves away from the entrance.

Ed will feel as though he has let himself down in the most terrible way possible. I believe it will make the viewers very depressed. Although this man has been pushed to the brink of desperation, it’s a complex and multifaceted situation.

“It’s inevitable that it remains a secret for a while, but there’s also a thrilling plot point where the family finds out what Ed has done. After he is abandoned in the wilderness, the kids engage in a game of loyalty to see who will be the one to support their father and who will abandon him.”

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