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Coronation Street spoilers: Peter confesses to Carla, Daisy’s cr!me, and Aggie missing

Cracks for in relationships and families remain desperate (Picture: ITV)

A number of Coronation Street characters are compelled to take drastic measures in the run-up to Christmas in order to achieve their goals.

As his spouse Aggie is unable to return home for the holidays, Ed Bailey (Trevor Michael Georges) keeps trying—and failing—to stay afloat.

Due to his obligations, Ed is assaulted and has everything taken from the home.

It could be time for him to come clean now that the family’s holiday season is over, but will he be pardoned?

In another scene, Jenny Connor (Sally Ann Matthews) is contacting Allison King’s character Carla (Alison King) for assistance while the team works to secure the Rovers.

However, time is almost running out due to this denial and the Waterfords’ offer, which leads Daisy Midgeley (Charlotte Jordan) to settle for less than the whole amount of money.

Additionally, Carla’s marriage to Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne) is becoming more and more strained.

Last-ditch measures are made to keep the spark and intensity of Peter’s love alive, as he feels pushed out by the lady he loves in favor of the factory.

However, as they become farther and further away, it’s just not working.

Monday December 18

Daisy’s up to no good! (Picture: ITV)

Audrey is not convinced by Jenny or Carla to give up Stephen’s journal. Daisy urges Jenny to persevere, saying that she could buy the Rovers back and that she deserves a portion of the money for all she endured.

Daisy makes plans when she phones the restaurant and notices that all of the Platts’ jackets are hanging up. Daisy gains entry to No. 8 after robbing David of his keys.

Frantically, she looks for the journal, but as Audrey comes back, she had to go upstairs. Will someone find her?

Since the Platts are still at odds, Lily proposes that they start a “nice box” similar to the ones at school, where the children are required to write positive things about one another and put them inside. Audrey will then read the comments. What may go wrong, if anything?

Peter stealthily tucks a letter from the hospital into his pocket after reading it. When Peter acknowledges to Tim that he is obsessed with Stephen’s passing, Tim believes he needs a diversion and comes up with a suggestion.

Tim tells Peter to forget about Stephen and concentrate on the positive aspects of his life when they are in the hot tub at number 4. According to Peter, it’s easier said than done.

Since Carla is now entirely focused on the workplace, Peter confides in Tim that he worries their relationship has reached its end.

Can the Platts finally resolve their differences? (Picture: ITV)

Tim begs him to persevere. After returning home, Carla offers to take them to a movie and packs a date night dinner for two.

Carla receives a call informing her that the factory alarm is going off, and she leaves again, leaving Peter happy.

When Crystal says she and Ryan are relocating to Glasgow, Debbie is taken aback. In an attempt to pay back his payday debt, Ed wagers the money Serge offers him for Christmas dinner on a horse.

Wednesday December 20

Jenny goes over to Carla and asks if she would mind giving her a loan so she can get a mortgage and repurchase the Rovers. How is Carla going to respond?

The family promises to make it special for Glory even if Aggie is unable to return home for Christmas. Ed assures Serge that he will get the $1,000 he agreed to lend him.

Paul shows up with the money they owe Ed, who is happy to be able to pay Tony at last. However, when Serge discovers Paul carrying the money, he believes it is for him. After escorting Ed to the Bistro, Ronnie gives him some cash to purchase beverages.

Ed’s under pressure (Picture: ITV)

However, Ed was unaware that a vengeful Tony had seen him seemingly slicing the cash rather than giving it to him. Ed is cornered by Tony, who makes it plain that he needs the money by tomorrow.

Carla is taken aback to see Peter tidying the apartment after telling her he was too busy to eat lunch. Peter acknowledges that he has a meeting scheduled with the mother of the organ donor who gave him his new liver, and that she is expected to arrive soon.

Carla is certain that she would stand behind him. What kind of meeting will it be? Valerie learns that Peter is an alcoholic and that her son’s liver kept him alive.

Evelyn gives Tyrone a call at number nine and offers that while she spends Christmas with Roy, he take the girls to Norfolk to meet Fiz.

When Evelyn realizes Cassie is on her own, she grudgingly extends an invitation for her to accompany them. Roy has a back spasm at the café.

While Evelyn puts on a pinny and tells Roy she’ll cover his shift, Debbie assists him upstairs. Cassie thinks of a present that Roy might give to Evelyn.

When Audrey speaks with Maria, she explains her goals for the salon. Audrey seems pleased. Audrey interviews David, but she becomes irritated when he doesn’t seem to take it seriously. Who is she going to pick?

An affective Ryan is waved off by Carla and Debbie and heads for Glasgow. As his cab fades out of sight, Daisy observes with regret.

Friday December 22

Tony’s attack culminates in the Bailey family losing their Christmas (Picture: ITV)

In an attempt to escape his troubles and Tony’s threats, Ed sneakily packs his suitcase and tells Aggie he will be spending Christmas with her in Birmingham. However, as soon as he unlocks the front door, Tony menacingly surges in.

Tony threatens to tell Aggie everything when she calls on Ed’s phone.

Tony hits Ed, knocking him to the ground as he reaches for the phone. Michael presents the watch he got Ed for Christmas, which is inscribed with the words “For the World’s Best Dad. Our Hero,” to Ronnie and Sarge in the restaurant.

According to Ronnie, it’s ideal. When the Baileys get home, Ed is tending to a cut lip and there are no gifts left.

Craig discusses the specifics of the break-in with Ed, who claims he failed to lock the back door, after Dee-Dee phones the police.

Carla offers to accompany Peter when he says he has a support group meeting later. Peter acknowledges in the support group that he has lost all interest in life and that getting by has become a daily struggle.

Carla is horrified and devastated to learn of the extent of his hopelessness. Carla is on her laptop when Michael calls the workplace.

Michael is shocked when Carla shows him the Christmas gift she got for Peter.

Cassie is informed by Roy that he has found Evelyn’s Christmas gift. Although Cassie is certain that she would go shopping with him, she devises a strategy when Woody refuses to start.

Jenny and Daisy inform Dee-Dee that they are heading to the bank in the hopes of obtaining a loan to purchase the Rovers. They inform Brian and Mary that the bank has approved the loan and that they will soon own the bar when they return to the Kabin.

Daisy is informed by Jenny that Waterfords will need to make a sealed bid since they have received another offer on the pub.

Paul’s wheelchair breaks down on the street as he and Gemma are making their way to No. 5. When Gemma and Paul do make it to the Victoria Garden performance, they discover it has ended.

Gemma is devastated, but Joseph agrees to perform again after some convincing from Glenda. Chesney drops Joseph and the quads off at the apartment above the flower business. Wishing they could remain longer, Gemma feels devastated.

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