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Joel’s secret ‘exposed’ in Coronation Street as fans fear for Dee-Dee

The public believes Joel is concealing something (Image: ITV)

Recently, Dee-Dee Bailey (Channique Sterling-Brown) found out that her dad Ed Bailey (Trevor Michael Georges) had been keeping his gambling secret on Coronation Street thanks to Joel Deering (Callum Lill).

Due to his addiction, Ed got into such a problem that he had to pawn the Christmas gifts from the family, but CCTV at the store quickly discovered this.

The Baileys were very disturbed as a result, and Dee-Dee got into problems when she discovered how much boyfriend Joel was aware of the circumstances.

Fans, however, are now worried that Joel could be hiding additional secrets from Dee-Dee, which would put her in danger.

Fans expressed their disquiet on Twitter/X after seeing recent scenes, pointing out that they felt Joel was behaving shifty.

A user named Charlotte expressed her lack of faith in him, while another user named Aidan noted that the lawyer seemed “definitely dodgy.”

In other news, fans believe they have discovered Joel’s dark secret and speculate that he could be linked to Ciaran Griffiths’s character, returning bad boy Damon Hay.

A hypothesis that Dee-Dee and Joel would utilize his family ties to “get out of debt in a dodgy deal” was expounded upon by Twitter/X user Poppy.

Damon is going to give gambling addict Ed a job on a new remodeling project in forthcoming scenes, but might Joel have convinced him to accept?

Dee-Dee, on the other hand, is not impressed by Ed and Damon’s arrangement and tells her father to avoid it.

Dee-Dee discloses that Ed is a gambling addict and cautions Damon that any excessive stress might lead Ed back down a bad road when Damon gives him a large sum of money to purchase materials for the bar remodeling.

Damon freaks out thinking about his money, but will Ed cave in to peer pressure?

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