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Heavy workload! Coronation Street boss Iain MacLeod now in charge of Emmerdale too after producer Jane Hudson steps down after five years

Iain will lead both of ITV’s flagship soaps (Picture: Getty Images)

Iain MacLeod, the boss of Coronation Street, has been named Executive Producer for Continuing Drama by ITV, meaning he will now be in charge of both of the network’s biggest soap operas.

The Emmerdale executive turned soap opera producer came to Corrie five years ago and has since overseen some of the show’s most celebrated tales, including Geoff Metcalfe’s mistreatment of Yasmeen and Seb Franklin’s untimely death in a hate crime story.

However, as of right now, Iain will be in charge of managing the teams that create Coronation Street and Emmerdale in Manchester and Leeds. He will answer directly to Huw Kennair Jones, the ITV Drama Commissioner, and John Whiston, the Managing Director of Continuing Drama and Head of ITV in the North.

He’ll have a lot on his plate!

Regarding his hiring, Iain said, “I am beyond delighted to be stewarding two shows that I – along with the whole nation – absolutely love.”

They play such a significant part in the lives of viewers, therefore it will be an enormous delight and an honor to collaborate with the very brilliant staff on both sides of the Pennines to solidify their status as the greatest soap operas on television.

“I can’t wait to get started! I am bursting with ideas for what the next chapter on each show will look like, having spent the last ten years honing my skills in producer roles.”

Iain, who previously had a time as producer on Hollyoaks, will collaborate with the Emmerdale and Coronation Street producers and series producers, offering them help throughout the whole production process to guarantee that both programs maintain their capacity to enthrall audiences with captivating, daring, and dynamic storytelling.

This development follows Jane Hudson’s resignation as Emmerdale’s boss in 2019, and Laura Shaw’s appointment as her replacement.

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