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Tracy Metcalfe in fear over dangerous sex games in Emmerdale spoiler video

In Emmerdale, Tracy Metcalfe (Amy Walsh) has been taking risks, but would she soon come to regret them?

Tracy, who is happily married to Nate Robinson (Jurell Carter), lately disregarded caution and gave in to temptation from Caleb Milligan (William Ash).

Due to their lack of caution, the two were caught red-handed on Christmas Day by an enraged Moira Dingle (Natalie J Robb).

Although Moira agreed to remain silent, Caleb was unsettled by the close call and chose to calm things down with Tracy.

Are things getting too risky? (Picture: ITV)

They became tense with one other as a result, however, and soon found they couldn’t resist each other, thus their affair went on.

Caleb doesn’t try to disguise his emotions in a new spoiler video, which is surprising coming from someone who is so worried about Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley) discovering his secret.

He meets Tracy outside the café the day after a covert encounter, and he flirts with her right away.

Tracy is serious when she says they have to discuss what occurred the previous evening, but Caleb keeps making fun of her.

Tracy makes note of how careless it is of them to be flirting so freely in public, indicating that the weight of their secret is beginning to get to her.

In private, Tracy declines to talk to Caleb when he wonders what this means for them since he sounds worried and goes inside to fetch coffee.

Does Caleb and Tracy’s relationship have an end in sight, or will they go on with it?

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