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Emmerdale spoilers: Charity Dingle suffers a panic attack as her trauma over death continues

Charity is in dire need of assistance. (Image: ITV)

On Tuesday, January 9, Emmerdale viewers Charity Dingle (Emma Atkins) and Mackenzie Boyd (Lawrence Robb) had excellent news when a police officer stopped by to inform them that Harry (Robert Beck) had been declared to have died accidentally.

After holding Mackenzie imprisoned for many days over Christmas in an abandoned warehouse, mobster Damon “Harry” Harris was shot by Charity.

Charity has been having trouble accepting that she murdered a guy, even though she knew that Harry would have killed Mack if she hadn’t stepped in.

Mack, who is, let’s face it, a simpler soul, was happy to hear the police officer’s news, but Charity’s response was more nuanced.

Although she was relieved that she wouldn’t have to serve time in jail for what had occurred, the anguish and remorse she now harbours did not go away.

Even worse, Charity had to put on a nice face and show up to a party that the family had planned at the Woolpack since it was her birthday.

Charity was lost in contemplation while everyone else was having a great time around her. Though she was not aware of it, Ryan (James Moore) surmised that she was pondering about Oscar (Harley Hamilton), her newly discovered grandchild.

Charity is having difficulty maintaining control (Image: ITV).

Later, when the kids were engaging in ridiculous games, Charity was startled by a balloon popping near her. This brought her back to the time the pistol went off, and she became aggressive with the youngster until she was able to collect herself. The balloon was burst by Kyle (Huey Quinn).

Knowing that her response was related to what transpired in that warehouse, Cain (Jeff Hordley) attempted to speak with her. However, Mackenzie entered with such speed that the opportunity to speak with Charity was gone.

Charity attempted to find solace in the thought of returning home with Mackenzie and sharing a bed with him—a certain method to make her smile. However, the terror that had been growing within Charity all day broke out when he was upstairs giving her a bath.

She gasped for air and started crying uncontrollably for a short while before ordering herself to “stop it – just get it together” as she stood in front of a mirror.

“It was nothing,” she told herself as she made a valiant effort to put all of the anguish and anxiety down. It didn’t matter.

She’s clearly clinging to life by the thinnest of threads right now. Will she ask for the assistance she so much needs?

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