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Emmerdale spoilers: Rhona Goskirk plays with Marlon Dingle’s heart as she tells a lie to him

A worrying development (Picture: ITV)

Baby Ivy may be little, but she’s had a great impression on Rhona Goskirk (Zoe Henry), Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) and their family since her arrival in Emmerdale.

Ivy is biologically Rhona’s kid after being created from one of the embryos that Rhona and her former husband Gus (Alan McKenna) had frozen many years ago. Gus’s wife Lucy got pregnant after he utilized the embryos without getting Rhona’s permission, but she tragically passed very soon after the baby was born.

Mary (Louise Jameson) brought the father and child home for Christmas with the family when she saw that Gus was having trouble adjusting to raising a new baby in the midst of his own sorrow over his wife.

After that, Gus vanished, leaving Rhona and Marlon to take care of tiny Ivy.

Naturally, this has had a significant impact on the family, and Rhona and Marlon are continuously concerned about how it will affect their son Leo (Harvey Rogerson), who requires a consistent schedule. Marlon was also concerned for Rhona since he knew that she was becoming close to the child and that it would become harder and harder for him to say goodbye when Gus came back.

Marlon and Rhona’s relationship has been challenged since Ivy’s arrival (Picture: ITV)

Since Rhona does not legally own the infant, the most probable scenario is that Ivy will move in with Gus when he returns from his recovery.

But as Zoe Henry clarified for us, that’s not what Rhona desires.

“I believe the dream would be for Gus to vanish in a cloud of smoke and for Ivy to move in with her, but that’s not going to happen, is it?” She thought about it. It’s one of those things that she’s not really comfortable expressing aloud. However, it is the ideal.

Rhona’s actions in the next episodes will be more and more preoccupied with the possibility that Ivy will remain in their family. She begins to lie to Marlon, which worries me. She wants to savor every second she has with Ivy, even if she feels bad for deceiving him.

Despite being one of the most resilient couples on the show, Marlon and Rhona will need to overcome this growing emotional challenge.

“It has an effect on their marriage and their relationship,” Zoe acknowledged.

“They can overcome anything,” I could sit here and say, but it’s soap, so no.”

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