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Emmerdale spoilers: More red flags confirm danger for Belle Dingle as Tom controls her

It’s making us worry (Picture: ITV)

Things seemed to be going well for Belle Dingle’s (Eden Taylor-Draper) relationship with Tom King (James Chase) after a happily ever after proposal around Christmas in Emmerdale. But now that Belle is wearing an engagement ring, Tom is acting in ways that are consistent with his unsettling past behavior.

There were a few times when Tom’s behavior toward Belle, his childhood love, seemed a little “off” when he returned to the hamlet and resumed their affair. He was envious of her bond with Vinny Dingle (Bradley Johnson) and he took a hard to get his head around Belle’s confession that she’d had troubles with her mental health.

The fact that Tom was new to the hamlet and to being in a mature relationship with Belle may account for these things. However, when he started exhibiting violent tendencies, Belle and I started to feel a little worried. For instance, he reacted violently when his automobile was taken.

All of this culminated with Tom violently attacking Belle in response to her rejection of his marriage proposal. In a scenario that was seen during flashback week, she ended up falling and breaking her skull as Lydia (Karen Blick) was questioning her family about the murder of Craig Reed (Ben Addis).

Tom immediately expressed her sincere regret for what had transpired, and Belle moved forward from the experience. She ultimately opted against marrying Tom and to make the proposal herself.

With the assistance of Leyla (Roxy Shahidi), Belle planned a picture-perfect setting in which to propose to Tom. She brought him to an ice rink, and who should be there than his greatest skating idols, Christopher Dean and Jayne Torvill, doing their famous Bolero sequence.

Belle and Tom’s relationship is a concerning one (Picture: ITV)

Naturally, a jubilant Tom said yes when Belle went down on one knee on the ice and proposed with a Christmas cracker ring. Since it seems that the pair is a wonderful fit, there was considerable happiness and celebration among their family and friends.

But are they really? In the episode that aired on Monday, January 15, Tom was eager to decide on a wedding date. Tom persisted even though Belle didn’t appear to be in a rush. He pursues a concept even if it is evident that she is not really interested, just like he did when he wanted them to move in together.

In addition, he abruptly informed her that they would be going to the Vets’ Ball the next day. Belle freaked out that she had nothing to wear and that she needed to have her nails and hair done because of the “dress to impress” dress requirement. Tom claimed that she was ideal just the way she was, but she wished she had had more notice.

Although this seems positive on the surface, it really refers to his strange and domineering behavior, where he always takes the initiative and puts her on the defensive.

Since Belle’s wedding is quickly approaching, we can’t help but worry for her. Hopefully, we’re incorrect.

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