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Coronation Street fans in hysterics over ‘unbelievable’ Chesney and Linda gaffe

Coronation Street viewers were totally taken-aback in the latest instalment, as Linda Hancock left Chesney and Gemma bewildered when she bought them a gigantic fridge freezer for the house

The primary emphasis of tonight’s episode of Coronation Street, which airs on January 17, was a plot involving a big fridge freezer, which coincided with some significant plot changes elsewhere. The show left many extremely bewildered.

After Linda Hancock (Jacqueline Leonard) tried to get the family a sizable present, married couple Gemma Winter-Brown (played by Dolly-Rose Campbell) and Chesney Brown (Sam Aston) were irate in the absurd scenario.

However, Chesney and Gemma’s house was far too tiny for the massive brood, and the latter was recently forced to move out when social services believed she was an unsuitable mother and had been “making up” diseases for their baby Joseph.

Furthermore, Linda seems to have ordered, purchased, and scheduled delivery for the enormous item in a matter of hours.

Enthusiasts were going crazy over the “silly” scheme as the massive refrigerator sat wrapped and packed in the centre of the Browns’ living room.

Fans of Coronation Street were going crazy over a gigantic fridge freezer because they were so shocked by the most recent soap opera gaffe (Image: ITV).
In the most recent Coronation Street episode, Gemma was furious with Linda and Chesney (Image: ITV)

Fans flocked X, the old name for Twitter, with their opinions on the plot, with many claiming that executives had made mistakes with the item’s size.

“How in the world did they fit that enormous fridge through the front door, however, is the real question. To be honest, it does resemble the Tardis in some ways, #Corrie,” someone said.

“They couldn’t afford to run or fill that freezer, and how did it get through the front door?” said a different admirer. #corrie.

“Is Linda a fool? The refrigerator freezer is clearly too big for Chesney’s kitchen. A third perplexed spectator wrote, “#Corrie #CoronationStreet.”

Since social services became involved over their son Joseph, Chesney and Gemma have been having difficulties (Image: ITV).

A fourth individual made a joke, saying, “Did you forget to check the measurements first? It is larger than the whole downstairs, for crying out loud. #Corrie.

“Jesus she ordered, bought and had delivered a new freezer in the space of about half an hour #corrie,” commented one another admirer.

Things took a severe turn for the family as the turmoil around the kitchen item persisted. Chesney even startled fans by declaring he wanted to retain it.

Joseph collapsed on the couch after complaining of feeling nauseous when he got home from school.

When Gemma discovered that Linda had purchased such a large refrigerator for the Corrie home, she was appalled (Image: ITV).

After finding out what had occurred, Gemma became enraged with Linda and begged for her apologies. Chesney hurried his kid to the hospital.

Joseph’s family now has to consider further therapy, since the doctors informed Gemma and Chesney that preliminary testing suggests he may have Lyme disease.

After the intense events, fans will have to wait and see whether Linda eventually distances herself from Gemma.

In other scenes, Adam Barlow spoke about the possibilities of attempting to overturn the drug lord’s jail term as Harvey Gaskell (Will Mellor) carried out his comeback to the ITV serial opera.

Following the dramatic hospital run for Aadi last week, the drama now involves the Alahan family as well.

Coronation Street airs again on ITV on Friday at 8:00 p.m.

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