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Emmerdale spoiler video: Scandalous couple commit nasty new betrayal

This new video captures the moment Tracy Metcalfe (Amy Walsh) and Caleb Milligan (William Ash) decide to have a covert lunch date, indicating that Caleb Milligan’s (William Ash) problematic conduct will continue.

The affair between Caleb and Tracy has been going on for months, and naturally, things haven’t been easy. Emotionally, all eyes have been on Tracy, who feels guilty almost immediately whenever she thinks of seeing or sleeping with Caleb once again.

Tracy most recently sobbed in Caleb’s presence and questioned why she was carrying on the affair. She claimed to enjoy her small life with Frankie and Nate (Jurell Carter), but every time her head turns, she puts it in danger.

Even though Caleb was sorry, he also suggested that Tracy could be continuing without telling Nate because she really feels something for him and enjoys the way he makes her feel.

On the defensive, Tracy was about to depart when Caleb told her that he would wait for her forever if she decided she didn’t want to be with Nate.

Ah, this can only end badly (Picture: ITV)

In the most recent video, Tracy is working when Caleb stops by the café. Even though Tracy has expressed concerns about ruining her family in the past, she can’t help but smile and accept to Caleb’s suggestion of having lunch in the afternoon.

Tracy returns to her job after receiving some virtual flowers as a charm.

Nate shows up shortly after dropping Frankie off at school.

Tracy packs up her belongings and tells Nate, under false pretences, that she must meet Gabby (Rosie Bentham), therefore she can’t stay around while Caleb is still at the diner.

Poor Nate remains oblivious (Picture: ITV)

The presence of Ruby (Beth Cordingly), Caleb’s wife and Nicky’s (Lewis Cope) mother, is going to make this affair plot even more problematic.

“I’m delighted to be joining the cast of Emmerdale; it’s an enormous privilege, and Ruby is a dream role,” said Beth, speaking of her Dales debut. I believe people will either love or loathe her since she is a troublemaker and a fireball, but I can’t wait to spend more time with this amazing group.

“Her relationship with Caleb is infused with an intense passion that manifests itself as the ultimate volatile relationship,” producer Kate Brooks told us.

Ruby is a pure natural force that storms through the community with unresolved grudges. Ruby is fiercely devoted to her family and would stop at nothing to keep them safe.

Ruby is a character who never holds back and never fails to leave an impact. We are thrilled to have Beth join the show, and we know she will be a great asset to the town.

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