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Fans guess return for vile paedophile Nathan Curtis in harrowing Coronation Street storyline

He was last seen in 2017 (Picture: ITV)

The disappearance of Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton) has fans of Coronation Street discussing.

A few weeks ago, the unhappy young woman told Roy (David Neilson) that she was going to start over somewhere else, and then she disappeared into thin air.

After arriving at her apartment to conduct an investigation, DS Swain (Vicky Myers) and Craig (Colson Smith) believe she has been murdered because blood was discovered on the floor.

One of the most popular ideas put forth by fans amid the ongoing conjecture is that previous figure Nathan Curtis is involved.

Nathan was in charge of raising and taking advantage of Bethany Platt, then 16 (Lucy Fallon). The bad individual belonged to a group that would rape, mislead, and deceive young girls into believing they were in a relationship.

Nathan’s plot to send Bethany to work as a sex slave in Belgium marked the end of the storyline for both of them. After discovering Nathan’s true nature, Bethany sought support from a family, who contacted the police and had Nathan placed under jail.

Christopher Harper’s character Nathan has been incarcerated since 2017. Even though Nathan received a hefty sentence, we all know that in soap opera universe, there’s always a chance that a major plot twist might occur. might this be Nathan’s fate?

Fans of X are still spreading the belief that he has returned and is connected to Lauren’s disappearance.

Nathan must be involved, as they previously stated that Bethany will be included in a significant tale that also involved Bobby.One user wrote, “He’s the only person I can see it being.”

Another remarked, building on earlier remarks regarding Bethany’s involvement in the story, that “Nathan Curtis’s perspective on Bethany’s involvement in the story is intriguing.” Seeing how the backstories of people fit into the overall story is always fascinating.

DS Swain decided to arrest Roy this week due to his possible participation in Lauren’s disappearance.

Vicky Myers commented, “She doesn’t know Roy, she doesn’t care about Roy,” in reference to these scenes. She works with facts, regardless of what others may say about her. She urged, “She needs to find out the truth about this.” She doesn’t give a damn about what other people think of this beloved character on the Street. She has absolutely no interest in that.

“I believe that this almost seems too good to be true, and that’s perhaps the cynics that we may become as individuals and a community,” Vicky remarked.

“Are individuals truly willing to go out of their way to assist, encourage, and provide a little bit more for someone who has done something horrible?”

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