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Emmerdale spoilers: Tension rises as Liam Cavanagh confronts Aaron Dingle over cancer gene lie

Liam tries to help (Picture: ITV)

Chas Dingle (Lucy Pargeter) had a lot more to worry about than just her personal health when she learned that the breast cancer she was diagnosed with in Emmerdale was caused by a defective BRCA2 gene.

Given that Faith (Sally Dexter) had inherited the gene, there was a potential that Faith’s other children, Cain (Jeff Hordley) and Caleb (William Ash), would likewise carry it. They would be more vulnerable to developing breast cancer as a result, and they might have given it to their offspring as well.

Chas was also aware that her own kids, Danny Miller’s Aaron and Bella James’ Eve, were in danger. Eve was too young to have the gene analyzed, but it’s a problem that will need to be addressed in the future.

Chas begged Aaron and her brothers, Cain and Caleb, to be tested for themselves for the time being.

Aaron’s BRCA2 gene test result was positive. (Image: ITV)

We are aware of the inconsistent outcomes. Aaron’s test was positive, but Cain and Caleb’s were negative, indicating that they and their kids are safe.

He made the decision to keep this information to himself, even from Chas. She was encouraged by her brothers’ positive news when he saw her immediately following her double mastectomy procedure. Aaron acted as though his test was negative as well, not wanting to give her any more cause for concern.

Danny Miller told us, “I think he’s always been one of those who doesn’t like the constant eyes and attention on him.” “He’s going to get a lot of people asking him if he’s alright if he tells people straight away when he hasn’t dealt with it himself. It’s the worst question you can ask him because he’s just that kind of person and he doesn’t like the questions.”

It’s arguable if Aaron and Chas should choose this particular course of action. Dr. Liam Cavanagh, played by Jonny McPherson, is one individual who believes Aaron made the incorrect decision.

He is aware that Chas thinks Aaron’s test result was negative, even though he knows Aaron’s result was positive.

Liam tries to persuade Aaron that he needs to tell his mother the truth in future episodes, but of course he has to maintain Aaron’s patient confidentiality and can’t say anything to Chas.

Since Aaron has never been one to take orders, he makes it very obvious to Liam that he doesn’t want to become involved.

Will it, however, cause him to second-guess his choice to lie to Chas?

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