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ITV Coronation Street fans ‘work out’ identity of Tyrone’s real dad in sad Cassie twist

Coronation Street viewers learned a DNA bombshell about Tyrone Dobbs in the latest episode of the ITV soap, and now some think they’ve worked out a shocking twist

Coronation Street viewers learned a DNA bombshell about Tyrone Dobbs in the latest episode (Image: ITV)

Supporters of Coronation Street worry that they may have figured out Tyrone Dobbs’ real father and have unleashed a horrifying surprise on the ITV soap opera.

On Friday’s episode, Tyrone’s mother Cassie Plummer told her own mother Evelyn Plummer the truth about his paternity. However, many were alarmed by what she revealed while hiding Tyrone’s true father’s identity.

Some fans predicted the mysterious guy would soon show up on the Cobbles, while others were certain a twist would reveal his identity as Tyrone’s father to an already-existing figure. Tyrone has never met his father, and neither he nor the audience are aware of his identity.

However, Cassie’s remark caused her to admit to Evelyn that she had become pregnant after having intercourse with a guy who had paid her. When Cassie was a teenager, she came clean about having slept with the friends of an older guy she was in love with in exchange for money.

Their connection was shaky, so Evelyn was shocked because she had no clue what had happened to her daughter all those years ago. Cassie agreed when she was asked whether one of the guys she had slept with was Tyrone’s father.

She seemed to corroborate that it was not the older guy she was seeing, even though she did not identify them, tell who it was, or explain what happened to them. She did not say whether or not she knew who it was, but something she stated about her father alarmed her followers.

Fans of Coronation Street believe they have exposed an appalling plot twist on the ITV soap opera (Image: ITV).

When Cassie revealed to Evelyn that her father had discovered the sex business, she was taken aback and told she had embarrassed the family. Cassie then proceeded to smack her. He also learned that Cassie was pregnant, but he instructed her not to inform her mother about it or about what she had been up to.

Although Evelyn eventually found out about the pregnancy when Cassie was about 15 years old, she was perplexed as to why her late husband had withheld everything from her. As they watched the events, people began to have doubts about Cassie’s father and worried that he might turn out to be Tyrone’s father in a horrifying abuse twist.

“Is Cassie’s dad Tyrone’s dad?” a fan asked on X. “I thought the same thing too…Gulp!” said another in agreement. “Literally just thought this too,” a third person said. One further remark said, “Is Tyrone’s father his grandfather or uncle?”

Others, such as Kevin Webster and antagonist Harvey Gaskell, pondered if a well-known figure may be Tyrone’s biological father. Following Cassie’s revelation, several fans anticipated that the mystery dad would soon appear on the programme, and that her kid would eventually find out the truth.

A reader wrote: “I wonder if we’re going to meet Tyrone’s bio dad in the future now that he’s been mentioned.” Someone another commented: “Cue bringing in some new deadbeat character as Tyrone’s dad!”

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