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Emmerdale fans ‘work out’ Tom King will ‘kill’ Belle Dingle after spotting harrowing clue

Fans of Emmerdale believe they have found evidence that Belle Dingle will die, and she is in grave danger as a result of Tom King’s abuse taking an even more alarming turn on the ITV soap opera.

Following her terrifying scenes with Tom King, Belle Dingle’s fans on Emmerdale are concerned that she might be in danger.

Belle is caught in a horrible marriage to Tom, who has been emotionally abusing her and making her feel like the issue. In the episode from Monday night, Tom decided he had to always know where Belle was, so he stole her phone and used it to track her on his own.

He worriedly discussed Belle’s day with her at the end of the show, and when he checked his phone, he discovered that she was staying at a hotel in Leeds. Belle has experienced difficult relationships in the past, including relationships with serial killer Lachlan White and Jamie Tate. Given Tom’s actions, it appears that her situation may worsen.

Tom King put a tracker on his wife Belle’s phone (Image: ITV)
Emmerdale fans think Tom King could kill Belle as he displays more worrying behaviour (Image: ITV)

After Belle’s previous romances failed, her fans fear that history is repeating itself with her. And now that they’ve discovered a terrifying hint that suggests Belle might not survive, they’re even more concerned. According to The Mirror, one fan posted on social media, saying, “Tom is a sociopath. Belle is going to be in serious danger because of this k***head. #Emmerdale.” One commenter said, “That creepy killer look on Tom’s face WTH #Emmerdale.”

“Jeez, Tom King is really freaking me out! #Emmerdale,” a third person said. Another person inquired: “#emmerdale What what is that creep Tom planning to do next?” One more pleaded, “@emmerdale Stop Tom Emmerdale, please, please, please. I’m unable to handle that.”

Fans are worried Belle Dingle will be in danger as he begins to track her whereabouts (Image: ITV)

Tom’s actions are not new; on their wedding day, he held Belle responsible for all the chaos stemming from a handwritten note from her mother. “All you’ve done is bang on about that, your family, every time I’ve tried to get close to you today, to enjoy our day,” he said at her. You can never see it, though. Sam ended the photo shoot early because he was so hungry, and Nate was throwing a brawl and destroying the building.”

“You know what, with that tacky banner and that filthy boot on our table, your family had already turned it into a junkyard, so it doesn’t even matter,” he said. Mandy appears to be a slob after that. I had hoped that one day would be all about us, a day when you would truly think about prioritizing me. You simply allowed your family to take advantage of everything, take control, and wreck it all.”

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