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CRYING OUT LOUD Maria Connor bursts into tears as she struggles to cope with son Liam’s ordeal in Coronation Street

The threat of losing her job proves too much for Maria

Future scenes on Coronation Street will have MARIA Connor on edge as she tries to deal with what happened to her during Liam’s bullying incident.

The hairdresser’s son Liam’s suicide thoughts horrified and caused her to seek a leave of absence from work.

Maria Connor is keeping a close eye on Liam in Coronation StreetCredit: ITV
When the teenager spends a lot of time in the toilet, her suspicions intensify.Credit: ITV

After being tormented by the malevolent Mason Radcliffe and the cowardly Dylan Wilson, Liam reached his breaking point and began to wonder whether he ought to take his own life.

Maria and boyfriend Gary have been closely monitoring him out of concern for his personal safety and future.

Maria will soon find it too much to handle as she finds it difficult to deal after being forced to start giving up control over her kid.

Now that she’s decided to homeschool the boy, Maria isn’t making any money in her crucial work as a hairdresser.

When it becomes apparent that Audrey intends to take Maria’s place in her position if she does not return soon, Maria starts to worry.

Maria, who finds it difficult to part from Liam, makes the decision to go back to work—but only if Gary homeschools Liam rather than her.

But it quickly becomes apparent that Maria has an additional trick up her sleeve for keeping an eye on Liam.

When Maria decides to purchase a concealed camera to spy on Liam and Gary while she’s at work, she does it alone and pulls out a package from her purse.

The next day, when Maria gets back inside the salon, she talks to a blushing bride about possible hairstyles.

Maria takes advantage of Audrey listening in on their talk to glance at an app on her phone that is connected to the concealed camera.

Later, during her consultation, she glances over and notices that Liam has vanished into the lavatory. This alarms her.

She tries to brush it off and continues with the hair, but when she checks in again and he hasn’t returned, Maria starts to cry.

In a panic, she walks out of the salon and goes to the apartment.

Is Liam in danger, or will he be alright?

Feeling pushed, Maria collapses into tears and collapses into Audrey’s arms, sobbing as she confides in her about her worries about Liam.

She went back to work since her mother was in dire need of money.Regards: ITV

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