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Emmerdale fans ‘rumble’ deadly Amit twist as Jai Sharma exacts revenge

After seeing Jai Sharma shove his father Amit down the stairs in the most recent nail-biting episode of the ITV soap opera Emmerdale, fans are certain that Sharma murdered Amit.

Fans of Emmerdale are certain that they have figured out a terrifying twist in the story of Amit’s destiny, whereby Jai Sharma desired retribution for the death of his father Rishi. This week, viewers haven’t been able to tear themselves away from their TVs as Jai finally got even with his biological father Amit, forcing the cunning relative to confess.

The shady businessman has been making payments to a cruel loan shark for months now, and this year, his brother Rishi discovered that Amit was planning to use the Hide to pay off his debts and vowed to reveal his secret. He was tragically slain when Amit, who was one step ahead of him, shoved him down the steps.

But secrets don’t stay buried for long in soap opera fashion, and Eric Pollard found out the truth last week.

Fans of Emmerdale deduced a terrifying Amit death twist as Jai exacts vengeance. (Photo: ITV)

He swiftly informed Jai, who didn’t believe him at first, that he was determined to foil Amit’s intentions. However, Jai learned the truth on Wednesday, March 27, when he accompanied his father to his most recent appointment with Dee. On Thursday, March 28, things took a very bad turn when Jai fooled his father into visiting the residence and confronted him about the fictitious heist.

When his father eventually acknowledged murdering Rishi, Jai became fed up with his falsehoods and shoved him down the stairs, according to the Daily Star. However, the drama continued when Eric dropped by the residence to check on Jai.

He showed Eric that he had filmed his dad admitting just before he collapsed, leaving him with a fractured arm and a deep gash on his head. Eric brought up the fact that the confession was coerced just before he was injured, thus it wouldn’t hold up in court.

Jai pushed his father down the stairs in revenge after he confessed to killing Rishi (Image: ITV)

In a frantic attempt to warn Amit, Jai threatened further problems. However, in a terrifying turn of events, viewers saw Jai, as he cleaned up bloodstains on the carpet and skirting boards, phone his girlfriend, Laurel Thomas, at the conclusion of the episode. When Jai had finished cleaning up, Amit had vanished from sight.

Social media was swiftly used by viewers to instantly express their thoughts on Amit’s fate. A lot of people think Jai murdered his father and concealed the corpse in a suitcase.

Fans expressed their opinions on social media by writing: “Jai’s put Amit in the suitcase # Emmerdale” and “That’s a very small suitcase, he must have minced him up… [vomit emoji] #emmerdale.”

Supporters believe Jai placed his father’s remains in a suitcase. (Photo: ITV)

One more viewer enquired, “#emmerdale Has Amit made it inside the bag? “@emmerdale” and “Is… he in the suitcase?! #emmerdale” were repeated by another person.

A fifth person asked: “Has Jai killed Amit or has he got him stashed away somewhere or taken him to hospital because we don’t know what he’s done with the body …… #Emmerdale @emmerdale.”

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