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‘No escape!’ Letitia Dean reveals ‘unimaginable’ fate for the killer Six in EastEnders

The Six face their worst nightmare (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

In forthcoming scenes on EastEnders, The Six will have to confront their darkest dread when the café floor falls and Keanu Taylor’s corpse is eventually found.

For poor Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean), who has just returned from Australia and is about to find out the full depth of the mayhem she escaped back in Albert Square, it couldn’t come at a worse moment.

Sharon hasn’t really lived in the reality as the other ladies have since she is geographically far from the problem. Actress Letitia Dean said, “But it’s not out of sight, out of mind because I honestly don’t think she’s thought about much else while she’s been away.”

She visits Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) as soon as she gets back to Walford, and she learns that Johnny Carter (Charlie Suff) has now been informed of their secret as well as the absence of the murder weapon.

Given that Linda was the one who stabbed Keanu, and the fact that they had a strained relationship to begin with, Letitia said that Sharon receives a “icy” response from her closest friend.

“Linda and all the women believe that while they have been hiding this back in Walford in a panic, Sharon abandoned them and fled to Australia.”

Despite her own loss, I believe Sharon quickly understands the extent of what all the ladies have given up—with Linda relapsing, Kathy losing Rocky by turning him in to the police, and Denise finding it difficult to cope and ending her marriage—and how much each woman has lost.

“I believe naively that she wants to come back and somehow put it all behind her and move forward,” the person said. “She doesn’t take any of that for granted.”

Linda gives Sharon an ‘icy’ reception (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

Sharon panics when she learns what has been going on in her absence (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

Sharon quickly calls a crisis meeting with the other members of The Six after talking with Linda.

She recognises right away that there is a lack of trust between the ladies since she is new to the group and wants to swiftly bring everyone back together and establish some kind of order. Since they all collapse if one of them does, Sharon is a woman on a mission!

According to Letitia, the other members of The Six react “much like Linda” when they learn that Sharon has returned.

“Sharon doesn’t want to spend time going over every detail of her decision to leave chapter and verse.” The current concerns include safeguarding all of their liberties and locating the missing murder weapon.

Sharon calls a crisis meeting (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

‘Sharon is a woman on a mission’ (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

Later, when Linda suddenly returns with the murder weapon and Sharon decides to dispose of it after realising how much Linda has battled during her absence, it seems as if all of their issues have been resolved.

Letitia said, “I think this secret will keep them together forever because the events of Christmas have changed all of the women.”

“The unfortunate reality is that Keanu could have killed Sharon if Linda hadn’t intervened, and that’s a very difficult fact to accept in the midst of everything else.” Since Sharon can’t accept that in her universe, I don’t even think she wants to believe it.

The news that the ceiling has collapsed shocks the Six (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron).

Sharon is determined to support Linda and assist her in navigating things with the other ladies now that she is back. She doesn’t seem to have a strategy, and I don’t believe any of them do either; they’re simply going forward, crossing their fingers!

Sadly, the good news doesn’t last long, as the ladies soon get the dreadful news that the café floor has fallen.

Letitia teased, “It’s the unimaginable for all of them.” “They have avoided every obstacle thus far, some more successfully than others, but they cannot get around this one.”

The remainder of The Six worry for their freedom as the police tell Sharon about Keanu, and Suki Panesar (Balvinder Sopal) tells Kathy Beale (Gillian Taylforth) about her new scheme.

How far will Sharon go to defend her freedom now that she’s going to be questioned by the police on what happened on Christmas Day?

Being present for her kid and taking care of Albie are Sharon’s top priorities. She will do whatever it takes to preserve her freedom in order to keep her family together since she cannot bear to be apart from him.

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