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Emmerdale spoilers – ‘True love’ Vinny rescues Belle from the clutches of evil abuser Tom?

Belle needs a companion (Image: ITV)

In Emmerdale, James Chase’s character Tom King has gradually revealed his real nature to Belle Dingle, his new wife (Eden Taylor-Draper). Tom is seen as the ideal guy by those who are not in the marriage since he is a responsible veterinarian, kind, considerate, and seems to be completely infatuated with Belle.

But watchers had long suspected that something was “off” with Tom, and his mask was definitely gone when he shoved Belle ferociously after she turned down his first marriage proposal.

Although there hasn’t been any violence against Belle since, Tom’s actions have been subtle and domineering. He has manipulated her into doing what he wants by using emotional blackmail.

We saw Tom’s heinous cruelty when he smashed the urn that contained Belle’s mother’s ashes. Tom’s response, as Belle was holding the shattered pieces and sobbing at the loss of something so precious to her and the family, was to forbid her from getting into the vehicle for fear that her clothing, which were smeared with ashes, might contaminate the upholstery.

Belle is still being isolated by Tom. (Image: ITV)

Additionally, he’s started using an app to follow her around. He most recently used it to find her at the Hide, where he discovered her having fun. Furious, he returned home and destroyed everything, later pretending it had been a “burglary.”

A buddy is what Belle really needs—aside from getting over Tom, but alas, that’s a long way off. Over the previous several months, Vinny Dingle (Bradley Johnson) has always looked out for her.

The two had always been close, and when Vinny’s wife Liv (Isobel Steele) passed away, there was even talk of a potential relationship between them, but it never happened.

They do, however, have a strong relationship, and Tom was envious of it when he first came to the community. Tom took offense by Belle confiding in Vinny about her difficulties with mental health since she knew she could count on him to support her.

He becomes enraged when he discovers that Belle is spending a lot of time with Vinny and the dogs in future episodes. When Vinny receives a call from Belle at work, he offers to take care of her dog Piper and later finds out that the dog has gone missing.

Tom has the opportunity to intervene on Belle’s behalf and reassure her by acting like the collected, collected person while she is in distress.

Belle and Vinny’s relationship is at an all-time low as a result of the dog’s continued disappearance, and we can’t help but question whether Tom is orchestrating this entire situation in order to sour things between Belle and her best buddy.

Could this cause a rift between Vinny and Belle and make her feel even more alone?

Furthermore, where is Piper?

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