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Evelyn Plummer tells big lie to save Roy Cropper from jail in Coronation Street spoiler video – but is caught

After being detained in connection with the murder of Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton), Roy Cropper (David Neilson) finds himself in a precarious predicament on Coronation Street.

Unfortunately, after a complaint against him, DS Swain (Vicky Myers) is about to make matters much worse for the café owner when he shows up again in a new spoiler video.

When DS Swain shows up to the apartment and insists on speaking with Roy, Carla Connor (Alison King) and Evelyn Plummer (Maureen Lipman) get irate.

The investigator gets right to work, revealing that Alice McDowd has lodged a complaint against him.

During an argument with Roy, Alice unintentionally trips and falls (Picture: ITV)

Evelyn jumps to Roy’s defense right once, saying that she had been inadvertently tumbling over her phone while threatening to shove it in his face.

DS Swain clarifies that Alice is undergoing treatment for a brain injury, indicating that this is a severe situation.

Mollie Gallagher’s character Nina Lucas can’t resist teasing her by pointing out that she seems to be well enough to update on her blog “every five minutes.”

DS Swain dismisses the statement and requests to talk with Roy once more, but is shocked when Evelyn casually mentions that she has admitted to the murder.

As Evelyn fabricates a tale to tell DS Swain that she shoved Alice to defend Roy, everyone seems perplexed and she should be imprisoned.

Regretfully, Roy soon makes an appearance and corrects the record, acknowledging that he was in charge of the fall and that Evelyn had no involvement.

DS Swain doesn’t waver in her serious demeanor as she tells him they have to go on with this line of inquiry at the police station.

Is Roy going to get into more serious problems soon?

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