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Coronation Street spoilers tonight: Daniel meets with Nicky to find out where Lauren is

Nicky returns to the Street

Coronation Street's Daniel, Lauren, Nicky

In Coronation Street spoilers tonight (Friday, April 19), Daniel meets up with his old friend Nicky Wheatley in a desperate bid to prove his innocence.

Speaking to Nicky, Daniel hopes to get answers as to where the missing Lauren Bolton is.

But, can Nicky help him or will this meeting make things worse in Coronation Street spoilers?

Daniel meets a face from his past (Credit: ITV)

Coronation Street spoilers: Nicky Wheatley returns to help Daniel

With Daniel a suspect again in the Lauren Bolton case, Bethany encourages him to go on a walk outside.

However, he soon spots Max and accuses him of reporting him to the police. Max admits to Abi that he had nothing to do with it.

Abi soon spills the beans and tells Max who really reported Daniel to the police. It isn’t long before Max lashes out at Bobby for keeping in the dark about Daniel’s involvement.

With Bethany reading an article online that suggests that Lauren was an escort, Daniel meets up with Nicky. Meanwhile, Bethany tells Max to stop accusing her innocent boyfriend.

Daniel soon comes face to face with Nicky Wheatley and her friend Deana as Max follows them and takes photos of the meet up.

Max is quick to tell Bobby that Nicky is a sex worker, thinking that Daniel is hiding something about the Lauren case… But, will Daniel get any answers from Nicky?

Joel finds the death threats (Credit: ITV)

Dee-Dee receives death threats

Tonight, Michael warns Dee-Dee to be careful around Joel as she admits that she likes spending time with him.

Soon after this conversation, Dee-Dee receives an alarming phone call but puts on a brave face in front of Adam and Joel.

Joel gets to work on helping Dee-Dee with Roy’s bail application but soon finds some death threats emailed to Dee-Dee. Who is threatening Dee-Dee? Is she in danger?

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