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ITV Coronation Street Roy Cropper freedom ‘sealed’ as new suspect accused of Lauren Bolton murder

Coronation Street will see one evil villain return to the cobbles next week and it could be good news for Roy Cropper (Image: ITV)

When one terrible character returns to the cobbles after seven years next week, Coronation Street appears to have hinted at Roy Cropper’s possible release. They are quickly accused of Lauren Bolton’s murder.

Next week, after a seven-year hiatus, one nasty monster from Coronation Street will return to the cobbles, and Roy Cropper may be in for a treat.

In later episodes, Bethany Platt’s history haunts her and makes her gasp when she sees Nathan Curtis in Weatherfield. Fans of the soap opera will remember that Bethany was trained by the villainous Nathan before she informed the police about him and his group. As the sinister plot came to an end, Bethany faced Nathan and the others in court and had him sentenced to jail.

Next week, nevertheless, it will become public that Nathan was freed some months prior and has been employed at a construction site close to the precinct where Lauren Bolton, a young girl, went missing. So far, Bethany is dubious of Nathan’s return to the scene and suspects him of killing Lauren, even though innocent Roy has been detained and charged with her claimed murder.

In the next scenes, Roy gets heartbroken news from his attorney, Dee-Dee Bailey, that the police are back to square one and have not been able to track down Lauren’s mysterious partner or her necklace. Roy had a flashback of Lauren wearing the item. Later in the week, Bobby, Max, Bethany, and Beth assemble at the precinct to watch the police reconstruct Lauren’s final known movements.

When Bethany Platt sees Nathan Curtis in Weatherfield and accuses him of killing Lauren Bolton, she is scared by her history returning to haunt her. (Photo: ITV)

Looking out at the throng of people, Bethany finds it impossible to control her emotions when she recognises Nathan, the wicked abuser, among them. Afterwards, Daniel discovers Bethany at home, visibly upset and confessing that she believes she saw Nathan at the precinct. Daniel, on the other hand, isn’t persuaded, pointing out that Nathan is incarcerated and that she must be delusional.

Later in the week, though, Bethany’s correctness is demonstrated when she pauses the police reconstruction footage and pans in to give Daniel a close-up of Nathan’s face. Bethany goes to the police station in search of information, and DS Swain tells her that Nathan was freed some months prior. Bethany, who is certain he killed Lauren, is left stunned and incensed by the shocking revelation and insists they bring him in for interrogation.

Later, Bethany and Daniel locate Nathan after conducting some investigation and learning that he is employed at a construction job close to the precinct. When Nathan stops dead in his tracks to see Bethany as he round the corner, she is startled to see her abuser up close. Soon after, Bethany becomes enraged and accuses Nathan of killing Lauren. Will Nathan say anything, will the cops interrogate him, and is Roy going to benefit from this?

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