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Emmerdale’s Tom King bullies Belle Dingle into having a baby in new spoiler video – but he gets a shock

abusive In recent Emmerdale episodes, Tom King (James Chase) has been using menacing situations to exert control over his wife Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper). In a new spoiler video, he is shown attempting to intimidate her into carrying their child.

A frightened Belle tests positive for pregnancy in later scenes, but Tom doesn’t seem to care about her worries.

As they wait tensely for the results, he quickly says that they can accommodate Belle’s job since he is eager for them to become parents.

Tom is well aware of Belle’s determination to establish a positive reputation and advance in her chosen field of work, particularly since she just began working at Take A Vow.

Tom is adamant about having his way. (Image: ITV)

Control freak Tom, however, seldom gives up without getting his own way, even when Belle’s decision goes against what he desires.

Tom contends that while the timing isn’t perfect, Belle will have plenty of time to settle into her new position and they will then have enough money for her to take a maternity leave.

Belle is happy with the outcome. (Image: ITV)

He belittles Belle when she suggests that he take paternity leave, claiming that they wouldn’t be able to support themselves without his full salary for two years.

He quickly twists things to say that he only wants to do what’s best for her and the baby, but Belle seems surprised that he expects her to take so much time off from work.

Belle thinks Tom is exaggerating when he describes his intentions for their future, even though he insists it’s a major matter.

Their timer soon goes off, interrupting them, and Belle is forced to look at the exam.

She seems happy, and the test results are eventually disclosed as negative, but how will Tom respond given how eager he is to become a parent?

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