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REDEMPTION Coronation Street fans slate soap’s ‘worst storyline’ – but tell bosses how to save Lauren and Roy plot with epic twist

Fans have multiple ideas as to who could be the culprit roaming free while Roy is behind bars

Fans of CORONATION Street have criticised the Lauren Bolton plotline of the show as the “worst,” but they have also offered suggestions for how to improve it.

Cait Fitton portrays the troubled girl Lauren, who vanished some years ago. David Neilson, Lauren’s boyfriend, was caught and accused with her murder.

Roy Cropper has found himself at the centre of Lauren Bolton’s disappearanceCredit: ITV
Troubled teen Lauren hasn’t been seen for some timeCredit: ITV

Due to his innocent cleaning of Lauren’s flat, Roy, the proprietor of the café, initially became a primary suspect.

Some people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the plot and suggested possible directions for it to go in a very direct manner.

It coincides with the announcement that antagonist Nathan Curtis (played by Christopher Harper), who hasn’t been seen in over seven years, would be making his way back to the cobbles.

Bethany Platt, a vulnerable youngster played by Lucy Fallon, was abused and groomed by Nathan in 2017 before he pimped her out so he could have sex with his pals.

Although he was eventually prosecuted for his crimes, there is much conjecture over his possible involvement in Lauren’s abduction.

Fans of Coronation Street have been debating how Nathan may be involved or how the storyline might take a whole other turn on the subreddit.

This includes speculation about solicitor Joel Deering (Calum Lill), who debuted in September of last year.

“I think it has something to do with that Nathan who might have targeted Bethany,” a fan commented.

“I’ve seen some people making assumptions about Joel because of the necklace, but I’m not sure if that’s related to him or not.

“I believe Lauren will enter in a dramatic fashion and Roy will go on trial.”

One commenter pointed out a possible plot turn by writing: “I believe Joel did it and Nathan is a red herring.

mostly because Joel is the only one who has intentionally left hints that have led to him. At the same time as Lauren received a necklace, he had also spent money on one.

In addition, he expressed reluctance to take Amy’s case because it included women’s shelter.

Some viewers think returning villain Nathan may be involved in Lauren’s disappearanceCredit: ITV
Others believe solicitor Joel could be the culpritCredit: ITV

According to the leaks, Bethany appears to blame Nathan after coincidentally spotting him.

“I believe the Lauren story is what’s causing him to come back, and he may be somewhat involved, but I don’t think he is the real culprit—it all seems like a red herring to me.”

A third viewer, in the meantime, voiced their disapproval of the plot while also inserting an unexpected name.

“This is probably the worst storyline there has been in a while,” they wrote.

“I mistakenly believed it to be Joel, but his former spouse was his secret, and it’s doubtful he had two—far too intricate for a soap opera.

According to what I’ve read, Nathan is not who he seems to be; he’s a red herring. I’m not sure why he keeps showing up, though.

“Inside, I’m hoping it’s Bobby so he gets put in jail.”

“I think Lauren will come back to the street straight to the cafe crying with blood on her asking for Roy,” a fourth person said, “but it’s boring and stupid.”

Scenes of the like Roy being dragged away to prison saddened the viewers.

In upcoming moments, Roy will uncover a significant clue regarding Lauren’s unidentified partner.

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