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Bethany Platt reels in Coronation Street video – as she makes major discovery about Lauren Bolton’s murder

In a recent Coronation Street spoiler video, Bethany Platt (Lucy Fallon) discovers a significant clue about the murder of Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton), which leaves her stunned.

After Lauren’s final known movements were reconstructed, Bethany became extremely anxious because she thought she saw sex abuser Nathan Curtis (Chris Harper) in the throng.

Bethany was convinced by Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) that she was hallucinating and that Nathan remained incarcerated, but she was unable to get rid of the awful sensation she was experiencing.

In the latest spoiler video, Bethany is gripped by the horrifying idea that Lauren could have known something horrible was going to happen to her as she watches the footage of the reconstruction nonstop.

Nathan was hiding in the throng when Bethany noticed him (Picture: ITV)

Bethany refuses to stop watching the film despite Daniel’s attempts to talk her out of it, arguing that if she hadn’t escaped Nathan’s grasp seven years prior, the same thing may have happened to her.

Shortly after, Bethany recognises Nathan in the footage and pauses it to show Daniel, proving that she had been correct all along.

The news that Nathan has been out of jail for several months is broken to Bethany by DS Swain (Vicky Myers) at the station in the scenes that follow.

Bethany is enraged and begs Swain to bring him in for interrogation since she is certain he was involved in Lauren’s death.

Bethany and Daniel decide to see Nathan after learning via independent investigation that he is employed at a construction site close to the district.

Upon finally seeing Nathan face-to-face, Bethany is filled with blind wrath and accuses him of killing Lauren.

Is she headed in the correct direction to identify Lauren’s true killer?

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