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Emmerdale spoilers: Tom’s apocalyptic reaction as he makes a discovery – and worse is to come

The coercive control is getting worse (Picture: ITV)

vile In forthcoming Emmerdale episodes, Tom King (James Chase) will find new methods to alienate himself from his wife Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper) after he chooses to take charge of her finances and demands that her money be deposited into a new joint account alongside his.

As a result of his coercive control over Belle, Tom has already made it his obsession to follow her everywhere she goes using an app and the cameras he installed throughout the house.

Though viewers are aware that there was no burglary and that Tom made up the entire story to hide the fact that he had destroyed the home in a fit of wrath, he has stated that the cameras are for Belle’s own peace of mind after they were broken into.

In another instance, we witness Tom attacking Vinny Dingle (Bradley Johnson) out of jealousy and abandoning him for dead, but this time, the rest of the community is blind to Tom’s actions.

Tom’s attitude quickly changes. (Image: ITV)

Belle and Tom recently had some intense scenes in a special dinner party episode when he found out that she had been hiding the fact that she was still taking the contraceptive pill when he thought they were trying for a baby. He grabbed Belle’s hand and scalded her while ranting about how “manipulative” and “unhinged” she was.

In upcoming episodes, Tom is shown becoming enraged while watching Belle on the puppy cam. At home, she’s conversing with Mandy (Lisa Riley) and Lydia (Karen Blick) when the topic of Tom comes up.

He is watching with a raging rage, but they are making light of him. He leaves with the intention of stopping his wife and her family from enjoying themselves at what he perceives to be his expense.

When he unexpectedly returns home, Belle is anxious, not knowing what kind of mood he would be in. He acts cordial toward Mandy and Lydia and puts up a good show when there are other people present, as usual.

However, as soon as they leave, he becomes irrational and turns on Belle once more, making her fearful.

How much worse can it get for poor Belle?

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