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ITV Emmerdale ‘exit’ as unlikely villager ‘kills’ Tom King after framing Belle Dingle

There was a lot of drama during Monday night’s episode and saw Tom King betraying his wife Belle Dingle.

Emmerdale: Tom lied to Liam about Belle’s mental health (Image: ITV)

Emmerdale saw many couples being ripped apart after the confrontation on Monday night. James Chase’s character Tom King has become more cunning in his manipulation of Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper), and he has now included GP Liam Cavanagh (Jonny McPherson).

Tom has turned the tables and informed the local doctor that Belle needs treatment, even though he is the one with anger management difficulties after hitting his wife in the stomach last week. Will Liam, however, uncover Tom’s scheme or will Belle ultimately be taken away for the sake of her mental health?

As everything is going on, Billy Fletcher (Jay Kontzle), who is obviously going through personal difficulties, finds up snapping at everyone he encounters. As the episode draws to a conclusion, it’s uncertain if he and his wife Dawn Taylor (Olivia Bromley) will survive their arguments.

Kim Tate (Claire King) made it apparent that she would stop at nothing to get rid of Dawn’s mother and Will Taylor’s (Dean Andrews) ex-wife at Home Farm.

The fact that Ella (Paula Lane), the newbie, froze when Liam proposed they go to her place rather than his has also made fans wary of her. Ella was sleeping in her vehicle, as it turned out later, but why and what may she be concealing?

Emmerdale: What could Ella be hiding? (Image: ITV)

After the show, viewers turned to X to discuss their predictions for Tom’s demise, and it has nothing to do with Dingle.

“Does Tom know that Liam and Cain are BFFs?” someone questioned. Liam would undoubtedly inquire about Belle’s well-being. #emmerdale.” (sic)

Another said, “Oh look, it’s Liam to spread the news #Emmerdale.”

“Tom is a disgusting, dishonest piece of shit! A third person said, “I hope Liam lets something slip to Belle regarding what Tom has told him about her.

“Dr. Liam, wouldn’t it be nice to visit Belle? You know, for assessment,” another person mentioned.

Emmerdale: Billy started lashing out at everyone as he struggles to cope (Image: ITV)

Liam probably has something against Belle. Files, private notes, etc. #emmerdale,” a second person inquired. (sic)

“Perhaps Liam will talk to Manpreet and she’ll click #emmerdale,” someone said, expressing another speculation.

“Is Tom going to have Belle committed, declared unfit, take over her care, make decisions etc., #Emmerdale,” someone asked.

Another person threw forward a notion, asking, “Will Liam end up killing Tom?”

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