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Coronation Street spoilers: Sarah makes a staggering and life-changing confession after committing shocking act

Sarah confronts Nathan at the building site in Corrie
Sarah tries to do something about Nathan (Picture: ITV)

In forthcoming Coronation Street episodes, Sarah Platt (Tina O’Brien) takes dramatic measures to drive nasty Nathan Curtis (Chris Harper) out of her daughter Bethany’s (Lucy Fallon) life by fabricating evidence to hold him accountable for Lauren Bolton’s (Cait Fitton) death.

When Nathan raped Bethany in 2017 after grooming her for a long time, her life was ruined. Despite serving time in jail for his misdeeds, he has just returned to Weatherfield, and Sarah is adamant that her daughter won’t have to go through the pain of having him around.

Driving his vehicle by Bethany and frightening her appears to be his goal. Sarah and Bethany inform the police about the event, claiming that he harassed Bethany in violation of his licencing.

When Sarah visits him later to remind him that he has accepted her offer of £10,000 to leave Weatherfield, she is taken aback when Nathan just laughs at her and makes it seem like he has no plans to go anywhere.

Kit stops to talk to Sarah. (Image: ITV)

Sarah thus devises a crafty scheme. Given that Lauren left a hair bobble at the Platts’ residence, she possesses a great bit of Lauren’s DNA. She brings this item to the construction site where Nathan works with the intention of hiding it in his vehicle so the police will find it and use it as proof that Nathan was involved in Lauren’s abduction.

Regretfully, she is stopped before finishing her task by Jacob Roberts’s Kit Green, a police officer, forcing her to acknowledge her actions.

“She’s very afraid,” Tina O’Brien informed us. She is aware that she may be discovered and prosecuted in this situation. She is obviously aware that it is against the law, but she hasn’t considered the repercussions since she is so focused on protecting Bethany.

Sarah is fortunate because Kit lets her go with a warning not to interfere with the police’s work. Nathan is taken into custody shortly after that.

Later, Sarah runs into Kit, who answers her question about what was found in Nathan’s vehicle by saying they found one of Lauren’s hairs. Although he promises not to mention Sarah, he believes it was caused by the hair bobble she provided.

Daniel (Rob Mallard) is incensed when Sarah confesses what she did to Bethany and him. He makes the point that if Nathan isn’t the one who kidnapped Lauren Bolton, Sarah’s actions might land him in jail while the actual murderer gets away with it.

Has Sarah just committed a grave error?

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