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Emmerdale spoilers: Deadly twist as young character is stabbed – with innocent villager blamed

Sam Hall as his Emmerdale character Samson Dingle
His life hangs in the balance (Picture: ITV)

There will be terror in the community when a local resident in Emmerdale, someone we all know and love, is stabbed.

An unexpected series of events where someone is left for dead by the most unlikely of individuals is about to throw the whole area into chaos. The guy with the knife is Matty (Ash Palmisciano), and the only one still alive is Samson (Sam Hall), who is bleeding to death. What may make Matty act aggressively?

Everybody has their boundaries, and this is an assault on Matty’s transphobia. Matty is left with the bloody kitchen tool, but everything is not as it appears.

Josh, a buddy of Samson’s, sets up a scene where Matty is seen as a cold-blooded attempted murderer.

To Lydia’s (Karen Blick) dismay, Samson is eager to pass his driving test and drive his new automobile around Europe. She hopes that he would fail the test and that his automobile won’t be approved by Cain (Jeff Hordley), but her hopes are dashed when Samson passes the exam and Cain is more than glad to give the car the all-clear.

Samson takes offence with Lydia’s apparent lack of enthusiasm for his accomplishment and pouts his way to the HOP to rejoice with those who really matter.

Josh shows off his quirky side once he gets there. Despite her denials, he begins to flirt intensely with recentlywed Amy (Natalie Ann Jamieson), and he seems to be strangely aware of Matty’s transgender identity.

Amy leaves work early because she finds his constant flirtation to be too bothersome. Driven to action, Matty approaches Josh and confronts him, bringing some harsh reality home to him.

Disaster strikes! (Picture: ITV)

Matty feels afraid now. (Image: ITV)

Then he demands that Josh and Samson vacate the property, adding salt to the wounds of a bruised ego.

Bully boy Josh becomes angry because he isn’t going to take that humiliation lying down. When Matty overcomes him once again, he becomes even more irritated. After exiting the HOP, Josh viciously calls Matty “deadname.” However, it is just the start.

Returning inside, he follows Matty, getting ready to give him a lesson. Things become worse when he threatens to give Matty money from the till.

When things become heated up, Josh pushes Samson in Matty’s direction, who is brandishing a knife. After the knife pierces Samson’s side, he starts to bleed heavily.

Josh attacks Matty verbally right away, accusing him of rushing Samson with the blade and leaving him to die on the ground.

Matty is a mess; he thinks the whole story has turned on its head and he’s going to have to deal with some major fallout for something he didn’t commit.

Will transphobic Josh and Samson frame him?

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