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Michelle Keegan reveals difficulty of living in Essex with husband Mark Wright: ‘It wasn’t easy’

Mark Wright talking beside a straight-faced michelle keegan

Michelle rose to fame on northern based soap Coronation Street!

Since their 2015 wedding, Michelle Keegan and Mark Wright have given the impression of having a happy and loving marriage.

After nine years together, the pair manages a public life, with Michelle frequently relocating between her beloved north of England and her new home in the south, where she resides with Essex boy Mark.

Even after all these years, the actress has acknowledged that it hasn’t always been simple and even hinted that it has been difficult for her to leave her hometown to be with Mark.

Michelle Keegan has opened up about Mark Wright (Credit: ITV)

Michelle Keegan opens up about moving to be with Mark Wright

Michelle gave an explanation of her departure from Manchester in a conversation over the weekend, saying that it took her “a long time to feel settled” elsewhere. Despite living in Essex today, she added, she still needs to return home “to recharge” and that doing so “works” for her marriage.

Michelle brought up the subject on Sunday at a Manchester Glamour UK event. With a focus on empowerment, Michelle spoke candidly on a wide range of subjects, including her marriage and family.

She told Deborah Joseph, the editor of Glamour, and the audience, “I’m really proud of where I come from.” It’s true what I say all the time—the greatest people come from the north.

“Don’t get me wrong, I have a ton of southern friends, but they even tell me that people from the north are just cozier,” she said. It’s true that they’re cozier and warmer. I’m not criticizing Southerners since I married one, so they can’t be all that horrible!

Michelle said in passing that moving to the south wasn’t simple. I was a long time in feeling at ease. I am a real northern girl, as I have stated. As a homebody, I couldn’t help but wonder if I could live so far away from my place of origin. And I do recall being really homesick [at first], but as time has passed, I do believe that the South is my home.

Mark rose to fame on The Only Way Is Essex (Credit: ITV)

Michelle Keegan personal life

However, I still feel that the north is my home. He’s back up north now, so I could stay down south for three weeks and still be in the appropriate place. You know, give yourself a brief rest. I live between my family and my friends, and it works. See my pals. We adore that it functions well for us. Fortunately for me, most of the positions I currently hold or have held in the past have all been in the north. For six months, the film Like Fool Me Once was shot in the north. It was excellent.

Michelle also discussed the reasons for her time division and how it relates to her work. “When I’m working, I spend more money up north because, for whatever reason, all of my jobs are up north,” she said in her explanation. But it’s further south when I’m not there. However, my family and friends do come down frequently—all the time—and I do come up. It’s fantastic because I’m never truly alone since I never get homesick.

“An absolute honor to speak at the @glamouruk empowerment summit in my home town, thank you for having me,” Michelle gushed on social media following the event. Thank you for always being my number one mom; you inspire me every day.

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