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Home and Away airs emotional exit for Irene Roberts

Irene Roberts’ last episode on Home and Away will broadcast early in 2019. After that, the character will check herself into a recovery facility, where she is anticipated to stay for many months.

After taking on the role of Irene in 1993, Lynne McGranger has been busy lately playing Liz in the comedy musical “The Grandparents Club.” The show debuted in late May and travelled around theatres in Victoria, the ACT, and New South Wales before concluding earlier this week.

Earlier this year, Lynne said on Seven’s The Morning Show, “(I’ll be going for) just a little while, not leaving anything permanently.”

Producers created a plot arc in which recovering alcoholic Irene fell from the waggon for the first time in nine years, in order to enable Lynne’s departure from the program.

When Bronte Langford (Stefanie Caccamo) was exposed as a con artist, Irene’s problems started. She had previously defrauded the people of two other towns out of thousands of dollars before focussing on Summer Bay.

After meeting Irene in a city hospital where she was having a standard physical, Bronte made her way to the bay. Before informing Irene that she was dying from an autoimmune condition and had run out of treatment options, Bronte became friends with her.

Irene was enthralled by Bronte’s tale and extended an invitation for her to return to Summer Bay to stay at the beach home with her, Dana (Ally Harris), and Harper (Jessica Redmayne).

Irene quickly presented Bronte to her closest friends, who were all enthralled by her tale. Bronte quickly disclosed that there was just one chance for her to be cured, and that was to undergo a costly, experimental therapy in Canada.

Irene made it her goal to raise the money after Bronte stated that there was no way she could afford it.

Bronte’s idea was starting to come together until Xander (Luke Van Os) proposed that they launch an internet crowdsourcing campaign. Sure enough, the money started coming in just a few days.

Then, when the diner was revealed as the source of a number of residents falling sick, Bronte’s luck really came in. A customer began taking legal action against the diner, suing them for $50,000.

Irene suggested that Bronte sue the cafe for the substantial amount, confident that the business’s insurance would pay it, after Bronte revealed to her that the eatery’s tainted water supply had also poisoned her. Bronte’s eyes lit up.

Sadly for Irene, the insurance company declined to pay the claim since the company had been told to examine its plumbing in the past but had neglected to do so. Irene had to remortgage her house when she realised she would have to pay the money alone.

Dana was the only one who doubted Bronte’s account during the whole experience. The knowledgeable nurse saw Bronte’s lack of clarity on her autoimmune condition and her habit of making an excuse to depart when someone questioned her.

Dana was able to convince Juliet Godwin’s character Bree to take a professional risk by searching Northern Districts’ medical records on Bronte’s behalf. Bree quickly discovered that no facility in the state had Bronte’s name on file for a patient.

Knowing that Dana was onto her, Bronte enlisted the help of her accomplice Chase (Joshua Mehmet) and the pair kidnapped Dana, locking her in a shipping container in a remote area.

When John (Shane Withington) and Xander noticed Bronte driving Irene’s car out of the harbour, their curiosity led them to the rescue.

After trailing her to the isolated spot, they came upon Dana, who had broken free from the container and was evading Bronte and Chase. John quickly dialled 911, and Bronte and her accomplice were soon in custody.

Even though the situation was soon addressed and everyone received their money back for Bronte’s “treatment,” Irene couldn’t get over the idea that her friends were almost defrauded of thousands of dollars due to her ignorance.

In their last conversation at the, Bronte further sharpened the blade by referring to Irene as a foolish old woman.
When John (Shane Withington) and Xander noticed Bronte driving Irene’s car out of the harbour, their curiosity led them to the rescue.

After trailing her to the isolated spot, they came upon Dana, who had broken free from the container and was evading Bronte and Chase. John quickly dialled 911, and Bronte and her accomplice were soon in custody.

Even though the situation was soon addressed and everyone received their money back for Bronte’s “treatment,” Irene couldn’t get over the idea that her friends were almost defrauded of thousands of dollars due to her ignorance.

Bronte dug the knife in further by calling Irene a stupid old woman during their final encounter at the police station.

Struggling to cope with her grief and embarrassment, it wasn’t long until Irene considered turning back to alcohol to help numb the pain.

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