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Accusations fly after a report is made to destroy an Emmerdale business in new spoiler video

Jimmy King (Nick Miles) was shocked when an inspector showed up at his haulage company recently prepared for some impromptu testing in Emmerdale.

The man wanted to examine the tachographs, which are mounted on trucks to record driving time, distance travelled, and speed as well as to make sure the driver gets the recommended amount of rest.

Upon reviewing the records, the inspector stated that Jimmy had exceeded the permitted driving time.

Jimmy was a little surprised and scared when the inspector handed him the fine and said he had 28 days to pay it.

Back at home, Jimmy gave Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) an update and said he hadn’t been totally truthful about filming his own drives since he’d been working on a few more covertly to make extra money and keep himself occupied when Angel (Rebecca Bakes) wasn’t around.

Nicola was disappointed and wondered how they were going to pay such a large amount.

Caleb has got a new business plan (Picture: ITV)
But it obviously involves doing some dirty work along the way (Picture: ITV)

In the meanwhile, the inspector arrived in the village next to Caleb (William Ash). He was happy with the arrangement and was ready to give the man £500. But then he became really arrogant and attempted to persuade Caleb he should have £1k instead.

That same week, it was revealed that Caleb is currently occupied building a new empire and that he need some trucks for his venture. The haulage company is owned in part by Kim’s (Claire King) boyfriend, thus undermining it made sense.

After yet another unpleasant visit with an inspector, Will, Jimmy, and Aaron (Danny Miller) are talking about the red fuel they can smell throughout the property in this new video. This gasoline is extremely inexpensive, however it cannot be used in a car on a public road. It is regarded as unlawful tax evasion.

Yes, this hasn’t at all benefited Jimmy and Will’s business.

Will believes that someone is attempting to destroy the company, and accusations are circulating about it, but Jimmy and Aaron don’t find it credible.

He’s obviously correct, but what else can Caleb do before the business is totally destroyed?

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