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Rowan’s disgusting act as Amy opens up about rape in sinister Coronation Street spoiler video

Leanne Battersby (Jane Danson), as Amy Barlow (Elle Mulvaney) becomes further entangled in the cult on Coronation Street, discovers something concerning about the group leader, Rowan Cunliffe (Emryhs Cooper).

Leanne has spent the most of this year working at The Institute. Upon her first recruitment, Rowan forced her to participate in an activity he refers to as uploading. In essence, it shows someone sitting down and talking about their traumas, but because to the intensity of the discussion, the person “uploading” frequently feels quite strongly.

Rowan recently informed Leanne that she had advanced to a position in the organization where she is now qualified to bring on new members. She didn’t take long to focus on Amy, a young lady who had to spend time healing after being sexually assaulted by a young guy named Aaron.

Leanne, Rowan, and Amy are at the apartment getting ready for Amy’s first session in this new video. Leanne takes the lead and tells Amy that she can’t really go on in her life unless she faces her trauma head-on.

Leanne enticed Amy to join the group (Picture: ITV)

Anxious Amy continues by saying that she “did things” that she isn’t proud of following her sexual assault.

Amy is asked to softly close her eyes by Rowan in order to help her relax and be more forthcoming. Then, it becomes clear that all of this is a lie; with her eyes closed, Amy is oblivious to Rowan turning on a recording app on his phone.

Leanne, on the other hand, notices this and becomes concerned that Rowan will have a permanent record of what Amy is going to say.

Leanne maintains that Amy is prepared for a “malware” session in the scenes that follow, but Amy isn’t prepared for the experience at all.

Leanne has been part of Rowan’s cult for most of this year (Picture: ITV)
Her agony will continue throughout the coming week (Image: ITV)

Actress Elle Mulvaney said, “I was shocked when I first saw the script; I hadn’t anticipated it would be that extreme.”

She has no idea what this would entail when she gets there. She was recently informed that the session is malware-related. That’s the name given to it. She is thus unaware of the meaning of it.

Furthermore, no one has ever responded to her inquiries about what a malware session is because they don’t want to inform her—if they did, she wouldn’t do it.

Amy is appalled as the other participants hurl abuses at her as she is blindfolded in the center of the circle. Leanne tells Amy that it will all be worthwhile in the end, but Amy can’t take it any longer and bolts.

Regarding the scene filming, Elle said it was an experience unlike anything she had ever had.

It’s unlike anything I’ve ever filmed. I wanted to feel uncomfortable, so I waited to put on the blindfold until we were really going for the take, which made the experience quite weird. I think that if you do it too frequently, you almost become used to it and lose that first excitement.

We proceeded with the rehearsals as usual, but even they seemed weird because it’s really unusual to enter a room and form a circle. I put on the blindfold and, of course, ended up weeping like Amy when we went for the take, but it was real.

You feel so lost and confused that it seemed quite genuine. You are unsure of your location and are unable to identify the sounds. Amy is the reason for everything, and that’s how Rowan manipulates you. He does this intentionally to make you feel uneasy so that you will depend on him. He dismantles individuals in order to potentially rebuild them.

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