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Coronation Street star confirms Maria Connor twist in winter as villain returns

Maria Connor at the police station in Corrie
She’s been through a lot this year (Picture: ITV)

Samia Longchambon of Coronation Street has revealed an intriguing new plot for her character.

Since 2000, Samia has portrayed Maria Connor. Maria is the mother of Liam (Charlie Wrenshall) and the partner of Gary Windass (Mike North), thus she has never really had a calm and stress-free existence in Weatherfield.

This year, a devastating plot centred on Liam’s mental health centred on Maria. Liam McCheyne, Dylan (Luca Toolan), and Mason (Luca Toolan) tormented him so badly that he lost all hope and began looking for ways to commit himself.

Fortunately, Liam was located by Maria and Gary in time. The young guy later talked about the experience that he had to go through with Mason and Dylan, finally disclosing that Mason had threatened him with a knife.

Mason was sentenced to prison for the offence as a result of it. But he returned to Weatherfield a few weeks ago, and he’s been attempting to get used to everyday life ever since.

Given that Mason had previously stated that he wanted to put away the money he made from Speed Daal in order to relocate closer to the cobbles, there’s a greater likelihood that Maria may get uncomfortable with Mason’s frequent visits.

Actress Samia Longchambon recently discussed her thoughts on Mason’s comeback and said that the young villain and her alter ego will be a part of a significant plot later this year.

Because Maria doesn’t want Mason anywhere near Liam, his homecoming will irritate her once more. “I can’t tell you any more than that, but that will lead onto something pretty big later in the year,” she said to Digital Spy during the Inside Soap Awards photo session this year.

The group relentlessly bullied Liam (Picture: ITV)
Mason was let out of jail. (Image: ITV)

Maria possesses a really kind heart. She should really find it in her heart to give Mason a second chance at atonement, in my opinion. But the things he’s done to Liam have been unbearable. She won’t be able to completely forgive him for what he did, in my opinion.

Samia has been nominated for Best Actress at this year’s Inside Soap Awards.

“Being one of the nominees feels incredible,” she remarked.

I simply believe that everyone deserves. As everyone puts in the same amount of effort as one another, those who aren’t selected are always deserved as well. Being nominated this year because of the Liam tale and the bullying makes me feel incredibly good. That’s great to be acknowledged.

As Liam and Mason’s story progresses, Maria’s jealousy has been put to the test by Gary and his former girlfriend Sarah (Tina O’Brien) becoming closer once more.

“Maria and Gary have experienced highs and lows, but I believe they will continue to do so,” Samia said, reflecting on their union.

Hopefully, that will work since Maria ordered Sarah to back off when she saw her. But I’m not sure how long for!

“It will be intriguing to observe the outcome.”

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