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ITV Coronation Street’s Joseph child abuse concerns as youngster rushed to hospital

The situation in the Brown home on Coronation Street is about to get worse as young Joseph struggles with an unknown illness that sends him to the hospital.

Fans of Coronation Street can expect another dramatic week as Joseph’s health deteriorates.

Devoted viewers of the ITV soap opera are aware of how the child has been pushing his luck lately by feigning illness in order to miss school. There is definitely conflict in the Brown household because of his dubious health situation.

Gemma’s husband Chesney quickly chastised her last week after she allowed the 12-year-old to skip school after he complained of a headache. And it seems like this week will only see his illness worsen.

Joseph tells his stepmother that he isn’t feeling well at the beginning of the week, but Gemma is sceptical because she went overboard the previous week. However, Chesney lashes out at Gemma for failing to notice he was ill when he gets called out of work to pick up his son from school.

Things are about to take a turn for the worse for Gemma (Image: ITV)

Their tense disagreement quickly spirals out of control when Chesney implies his wife isn’t coping. As soon as he accuses her of being a bad mother, the auburn beauty takes offence and storms out of the house.

Gemma and Chesney try to patch things up later in the week by getting their house ready for Christmas. When the devoted husband realises that Joseph is still ill, they immediately consult their friends and relatives for guidance.

Gemma asks Bernie for advice on how to help Chesney with his headache while he’s at work. Following her advice, she chooses to make the child drink lavender tea in an attempt to cheer him up a little.

Joseph feels poorly throughout the week (Image: ITV)

But after Joseph faints, things quickly get worse. Spoken like a madman, Chesney immediately dials for help. While Joseph is being treated by the hospital’s doctor, Chesney feels guilty and wishes he had listened to Gemma all along.

When the doctor admits that Joseph has been poisoned, he throws another wrench in the works. The devastating news shakes the terrified parents.

When Paul, Bernie, and Billy visit for Christmas lunch at the end of the week, Gemma makes an effort to lighten the mood. However, as soon as Chesney and Joseph get home from the hospital, a child protection officer arrives to interview Gemma, ruining the atmosphere.

The family rush the tot to hospital 

But after Joseph faints, things quickly get worse. Spoken like a madman, Chesney immediately dials for help. While Joseph is being treated by the hospital’s doctor, Chesney feels guilty and wishes he had listened to Gemma all along.

When the doctor admits that Joseph has been poisoned, he throws another wrench in the works. The devastating news shakes the terrified parents.

When Paul, Bernie, and Billy visit for Christmas lunch at the end of the week, Gemma makes an effort to lighten the mood. However, as soon as Chesney and Joseph get home from the hospital, a child protection officer arrives to interview Gemma, ruining the atmosphere.

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