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Coronation Street spoilers: Ed thrown into a panic after unexpected request from newcomer

His emotions rise (Picture: ITV)

Recently, Michael (Ryan Russell) informed Ed Bailey (Trevor Michael Georges) that Grandad Sarge (Ram John Holder) would be attending the Christmas celebrations on Coronation Street.

Ed did not have a good response, telling Michael that he was afraid of Sarge arriving.

Is Ed’s growing concern about money a factor in this? He used to reside at Ed’s residence, but he became so desperate that he began using a credit card illegally in the name of Norris Cole (Malcolm Hebden).

Ed is hiding his relapsed gambling habit with the credit card scam, so when Michael receives a letter from Norris’s bank informing him that the card has been stopped because of questionable behavior, he becomes alarmed.

Ed is in distress, wondering how he’s going to make ends meet as his employee, Tony, waits to be paid.

Then, some weeks ahead of schedule, Sarge travels from Dominica for Christmas. Ronnie (Vinta Morgan) is overjoyed to see his father and proposes that as a way to celebrate, the whole family go out to a large lunch. Ed begins to become anxious, wondering how he’s going to pay his portion of the cost.

Lunch with the family (Picture: ITV)

Reverting to his former habits, he wagers on the horses and watches the race on his phone while dining at the restaurant with his family.

Sarge continues to badger him in the meanwhile on his “business brain.” Joel (Calum Lill) is informed by Dee-Dee (Channique Sterling-Brown) that Sarge believes their home was lost due to an unwise business choice made by Ed, rather than Ed’s excessive gambling.

Ed breaks his bet and begins to perspire profusely. Ed is told by Ronnie that he may pay for his portion of the lunch bill later.

He is forced to inform Tony that he is unable to reimburse him for the work he completed on Paul (Peter Ash)’s apartment and discloses that he is a gambling addict who has lost all of his money. He implores Tony to be quiet to the other members of the family.

While settling in, Sarge ultimately acknowledges that his own company is having trouble and that he has to borrow £2,000 from someone. Ed is starting to worry because he knows he is going to sink quickly and won’t be able to pay Sarge any money, even though Ronnie reassures him that it won’t be an issue and they can lend him the money.

Is his hidden gambling life going to come to light?

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