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Shock exit as Emmerdale character flees village after violent fight

Reuben was snatched from Mackenzie by Chloe. (Image: ITV)

In Emmerdale, Chloe Harris (Jessie Elland) has finally had enough and decided to leave the village in response to Mackenzie Boyd’s (Lawrence Robb) terrible actions.

Mack’s decision to abandon Chloe in order to get back together with Charity (Emma Atkins) was what made her feel so angry and hateful against him. Chloe first came back to the Dales expecting they could start over and be a solid family unit for young Reuben after Mack abandoned her to die in the Super Soap Week disaster.

Mack, however, was occupied informing Charity that they would be reunited, while Chloe was getting thrilled for Christmas.

Following the breakup with Mack, Chloe made the decision to prepare for a transfer to France.

With the intention of leaving without Mack ever knowing, Chloe packed a few things and organized Reuben’s passport, ignoring Amy’s (Natalie Ann Jamieson) remarks about how she belonged in the hamlet.

But Sarah (Katie Hill) went over to Butlers to vent her resentment on Mack after seeing Chloe and Amy.

After that, Mack was perplexed by Sarah’s remarks on his intention to take Chloe and Reuben on vacation. Naturally, Chloe had lied to Sarah, telling her that she had Reuben’s passport thanks to Mackenzie’s suggestion, and when Sarah brought it up to him, he realized.

Mack hurried outside and tried to stop Chloe from grabbing Reuben. He stumbled and fell to the ground while trying to unlock the rear door, which gave Chloe ample time to get into the driver’s seat and speed away.

When it came time, Chloe chose to get retribution (Picture: ITV)

Mackenzie sprinted after the vehicle as Chloe drove off, giving up when the gap between them became too big.

We are aware that there is still more to this narrative as Chloe’s father will show up to severely worsen Mackenzie’s situation.

“The Charity, Mackenzie, and Chloe love triangle has been bubbling away for about 18 months now, so at Christmas we’ll see that reach a bit more of a crescendo where Mackenzie pushes Chloe to her absolute limit and what we’ll see is her reach out to her father for help,” Emmerdale executive Laura Shaw said to about what’s coming up.

It goes without saying that prior tales have shown Chloe’s father to be a dangerous man. We are aware of his dominating nature toward Chloe and the fear he inspires in others, so it seems to reason that when she reaches out to him, he would assist her in a manner that is special to him.

Will Mackenzie be able to use his words to get out of this one? We’ll have to wait and see, but I believe it’s safe to assume that the effects of that will be felt far into the next year and beyond.

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