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Emmerdale spoilers: Darkened Mack finds Chloe and violence follows

Mack makes an effort to communicate (Image: ITV)

By just going missing with Reuben from Emmerdale Village, Chloe (Jessie Elland) has expertly exacted her icy, sweet retribution on Mack (Lawrence Robb). However, Mack is drawing near, and Mr. Nice Mack is no more.

He’s reached his breaking point since his quest has been so intense, he hasn’t slept much, and he is now unable to function. Mack is prepared to start a conversation with Matty (Ash Palmisciano) and Amy (Natalie Ann Jamieson), who have been silent on Chloe’s whereabouts.

With Christmas quickly approaching, Moira (Natalie J Robb) is adamant that they celebrate as a large family.

She puts pressure on Matty to win Amy over, but it won’t be wise to have her break bread with Mackenzie across the table.

Matty agrees to try recklessly, but his effort to speak with Amy ends him in a predictable string of events. Matty abruptly tells Mack that he and Amy are going to meet Chloe in the heat of the moment, which sets off a series of events. Mack is charting something and has barely enough function left to calculate this without responding.

After Mack left her for Charity, Chloe’s behavior altered (Picture: ITV)

He quickly forms a strategy and gives Charity (Emma Atkins) this crucial knowledge. Their strategy is simple but effective: they’ll wait for Amy to go see Chloe and then proceed.

Despite how easy it may seem, even Mack can make a mistake. Amy can see him well at a few makeshift traffic signals. There is a conflict that follows, but Mack acts like a guy who has lost his kid and is insane.

Taking use of Amy’s phone, he contacts Chloe posing as her sister and requests a meeting place at a park. Mack believes he’s got it when Chloe falls for it, but in his arrogance, he makes a mistake and confesses his actual identity in a single phrase.

knowledgeable Mack is devastated to hear Chloe’s response, “You’ll never see his son again.” Chloe knows a trap when she sees one.

Amy chastises him for his behavior, and Matty lashes out at Mack for putting a sour taste in Amy’s mouth.

Broken-hearted Mack answers with a careless remark. Matty becomes enraged and savagely strikes his uncle. Will he realize his mistake before pushing it too far?

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