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Emmerdale’s Dawn Taylor Fears Relapsing As Birth Brings Up ‘Trauma’

Olivia Bromley’s character Dawn Taylor worries that she might relapse following the birth of her child in Emmerdale.

Despite Dawn’s past struggles with drug abuse, she overcame them to win custody of her son Lucas Taylor (Dexter Ansell).

She spent years trying to kick the habit and even turned to prostitution as a way to pay for her addiction. She was fortunate enough that Billy changed her life, and she has been happy for more than a year.

Dawn was overjoyed to learn earlier this year that she and her husband, Billy Fletcher (Jay Kontzle), were expecting a child.

But when the topic of painkillers during childbirth came up in an antenatal class, she became concerned because she realised there was a possibility she might relapse.

With her due date falling before Christmas, if Dawn takes painkillers, will she find herself in trouble with the law once more?

Actress Olivia clarified Dawn’s birthing plot to and other media outlets, saying, “I think Dawn is just riddled with anxiety constantly.”

“However, after giving birth and everything, she really takes charge and is really laid back.”

“There’s often a big trauma around birth in soap operas,” she continued. Thus, it’s interesting to observe one that went smoothly.

Olivia clarified, saying, “I think Dawn’s anxiety just gets really bad around the kind of medication around her birth and about the fact that she wasn’t so sober when she was a young mother, so she doesn’t remember much about that period of her life.”

“And to have a small child taken away from you as well. I believe that’s surrounded by a lot of trauma. She also panics a lot, as you can see. She starts to panic right away, just like Clemmie.

After her mother, a drug addict, passed away, Dawn and Billy adopted Clemmie Reed (Mabel Addison).

Dawn and Billy have faced challenges with the child who expressed concerns when Dawn revealed her pregnancy.

However, after Dawn goes into labour at the village Christmas fair, perhaps Clemmie will warm up to the baby boy when he’s born in the upcoming weeks on the ITV soap opera.

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