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Coronation Street spoilers: Sex surprise confirmed for Dylan as he flies off the rails in bullying saga

Things get worse (Image: ITV)

In future episodes of Coronation Street, Bully Mason (Luca Toolan) will continue in his vile actions, and Dylan Wilson (Liam McCheyne) will once again be the victim of his actions.

Dylan is particularly susceptible to Mason’s negative influence, according to Liam McCheyne.

He said, “I do believe it’s a balance between wanting to fit in and being scared of him.” He want to be like the cool kids and blend in with them. He wants to be a completely different person from the one he was in London. He has some independence and it’s almost like a fresh start for him, so I believe it would make him highly susceptible to influence.

“I believe Dylan has a very innocent outlook on life.” Sean may be aware of Mason’s potentially harmful influence, but Dylan tends to disregard him a lot. Mason isn’t really Dylan’s buddy, but as I’ve already said, he’s easily swayed, so I don’t believe he realizes what he’s getting himself into.

Dylan was once forced to try vaping by Mason, who also forced him to break into the abandoned Rovers Return.

Spending time together, Dylan and Leyla (Photo: ITV)

Mason has also made disparaging statements regarding Dylan’s sexual orientation, calling Dylan and his homosexual father Sean “homophobes.” Mason, like many bullies, is aware of the vulnerabilities in his victims. In upcoming episodes, he will humiliate Dylan over his sexual orientation once again.

Dylan makes a £20 wager with his friend Conch that Dylan will meet Leyla at the party they have arranged in the boarded-up tavern. Even though Dylan is uncomfortable, he quickly kisses Leyla as the celebration starts, and she recommends that they go upstairs.

Unfortunately for them, Sean (Antony Cotton) and George (Tony Maudsley) are soon on the scene to investigate when the sound of the pub’s jukebox brings attention to the fact that there is an illegal party going on.

Is Sean going to discover his son engaging in unethical behavior with Leyla?

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