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Emmerdale spoilers: Cathy Hope crushed by funeral showdown with Bob Hope as Angelica King hides killer secret

Bob comforts Cathy at Heath's funeral in Emmerdale
Cathy is torn apart by Bob’s belief that she is guilty (Picture: ITV)

The terrible loss of Heath Hope has shaken the Emmerdale community, and on the day of his burial, dad Bob Hope (Tony Audenshaw) and twin sister Cathy Hope (Gabrielle Dowling) are having greater difficulties than ever.

Brenda Walker (Lesley Dunlop) disagrees with Bob’s admission that he is ignoring his daughter for her own sake, while Wendy Posner (Susan Cookson) is encouraging.

Cathy, who has been in pieces since her brother’s death, is eager to throw Bob the finger for how he has treated her.

Bob is conflicted as Brenda begs him to stand by his daughter and help her, but it quickly becomes apparent how he really feels.

Bob is upset on the morning of the funeral because he still thinks Cathy is at fault even after she insists she was not the driver that night. He believes Cathy has been lying about who was behind the wheel.

Bob acknowledges that he would prefer to spend the day alone rather than attend the burial, despite Wendy’s best efforts to comfort him.

Cathy is distraught to hear of her father’s absence, but she chooses to go on for her brother.

Before long, everyone in the community has gathered to express their condolences, leaving Bob to deal with his debilitating sadness alone.

Angelica is overwhelmed by guilt – but will she confess? (Picture: ITV)

Cathy starts to break down when Heath’s casket comes, but she is thankful that her father has been up unexpectedly to support her.

Even though it seems that things have improved, Cathy is later upset to find that Bob still doesn’t think she wasn’t driving.

Remaining certain that she is speaking the truth, Cathy threatens Bob, saying she won’t go home until he acknowledges that he believes her.

As Bob departs, distraught that he and his daughter have returned to square one, the bewildered teenager receives encouragement from her friends.

But not only Bob and Cathy are having difficulties; Rebecca Bakes’ character Angelica King also finds herself in the cemetery, overcome with remorse.

Is she going to admit, at last, that she was the one behind the wheel that fatal night?

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