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Fired: And Wait Till You See Who’s Replacing General Hospital’s Nina

What a waste of time it was for General Hospital that Carly allowed Nina to get away with reporting her to the SEC. In the lone episode of ABC’s daytime drama, which aired on January 19, Drew, not willing to let go of Nina’s actions, fired her from her fancy job at Crimson.

But it was just the start of his revenge on the person who had exposed him to Pentonville as a whistleblower. Adding to the harm, Drew appointed someone else as editor-in-chief in lieu of Nina: Of course, however! Carly is her deadly adversary!

“No more coming home smelling like BLTs? I’m in!”

The best part about the situation is that Carly can enjoy every moment of it without even having to admit that she’s sticking it to Nina. Carly didn’t seek retribution since her lover had given her this chance with abandon. Hey, it’s not like she didn’t need a high-paying job with perks. (That is, unless dental insurance and a 401k plan come with being an ex-Mafia moll.)

Therefore, even with the fresh outlook that Bobbie’s death gave Carly, she still gets to have a generous serving of schadenfreude and is spared the bothersome critics who never stop complaining about how she seems to get away with everything. Carly couldn’t find her accommodation. Her sweetheart endured terrible suffering. And now, well, things have turned around, as they so often do. I’m willing to wager that Carly’s first task will be to convince Willow to write a medical column. This isn’t because Nina would object, of course, but rather because readers of Crimson are eager to read about a nurse’s point of view.

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