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Coronation Street spoiler video: Terrifying fight for life as a fire takes hold

Soon after discovering the builder’s yard on fire, Michael Bailey (Ryan Russell) finds himself in a scary predicament on Coronation Street.

Beginning this next week, Ed (Trevor Michael Georges) is under pressure from Dee-Dee Bailey (Channique Sterling-Brown) to begin paying off the debts he accumulated while battling an addiction to gambling.

To the dismay of brother Michael, who is certain that if Ed returns, he would move out, Dee-Dee offers her dad return home in an attempt to keep the family together.

A knock at the door cuts short Dee-Dee’s pleadings for Ed’s cause, but she is determined to see things righted.

Michael worries that his father is inside. (Image: ITV)

It is evident how much of a mess Ed is in when Dee-Dee and Michael confront the bailiffs who are at their home.

To exacerbate the situation, Gary (Mikey North) then tells Ed that he is not going to purchase the builder’s yard.

This new video captures the moment Michael walks by his dad’s job and discovers it on fire, suggesting Ed may soon resort to desperate means once again.

Michael storms inside (Image: ITV)

Fearing that Ed is in the office, Michael rushes inside. However, there is no sight of him, so attention soon shifts to the reality that he is now utterly confined.

Will someone discover him in time as he cries out for aid and pounds on the window?

And how will Ed react to learn that his actions endangered his son’s life if, upon news from Gary, he is the cause of the fire and his addiction is out of control?

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