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Emmerdale spoilers: Moira Barton issues dark warning to Aaron Dingle amid Cain Dingle brain injury death terror

Moira gave Aaron a dark warning over Cain’s situation (Picture: ITV)

In Emmerdale, Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley) and Aaron Dingle (Danny Miller) haven’t shown much affection for one another lately, and their most recent altercation could have fatal results.

This week, Aaron and Cain’s conflict escalated into physical altercations over Cain’s stolen automobile, with Aaron emerging victorious in the end.

Cain was determined to hold Aaron accountable in this Friday, January 26 episode, telling his enraged wife Moira Barton (Natalie J Robb) that he will “sort it.”

Naturally, Moira had had enough of Aaron’s backstabbing and decided to face him directly.

She said under her breath that he was an idiot when Aaron responded that Cain now knew to leave it lie and cautioned him to put an end to his dispute with Cain for the sake of all parties involved at the scrapyard.

Aaron was unfortunately mistaken, and he soon saw Cain waiting for him in the office.

Cain was determined to teach Aaron a lesson, so he sprang for him, but as Aaron pushed him more, his eyesight began to fade.

But Aaron quickly stopped being the tough guy as he saw how terrified he was of Cain’s fall.

Without any delay, he hurried Cain to the hospital and, while on route, contacted Moira, who promptly made her way to be with her husband.

Following a discussion with the physicians, Moira disclosed that they were evaluating Cain for a possible brain damage and questioned Aaron about the events of the previous day in the garage.

Moira sensed that Aaron was hiding something deeper from her, but he played it down, saying that they had had a “bit of a tussle.”

Moira sent Aaron a menacing message when she saw Cain strapped up to equipment in his hospital bed:

“You are going to prison if he doesn’t wake up, and you will be dead.”

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